• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • paddirn@lemmy.world
    toHumor@lemmy.worldA different 'body count'....
    3 days ago

    One is Lebanese-American, Mia Khalifa, who has talked out about Israel’s apartheid state, though she also referred to Hamas as “freedom fighters”. She got famous from porn, still does revealing photoshoots, but apparently gets pissed off sometimes when reminded that she used to be a porn star.

    The other might have committed war crimes or at least knows somebody who has.

  • I’m not full vegan/vegetarian, but I’ve cut out all the beef/dairy that I can from my diet, just because of how bad cows in general are for the environment with their methane farts, though I think there may be methods to reduce emissions. I’m guessing that costs money though, so fuck that, we need cheap beef. I think if people just took that step of cutting that one animal out of our food chain, it’d be alot easier for people to do, rather than trying to cut out all meat and going vegan.

  • paddirn@lemmy.world
    tomemes@lemmy.worldEvery day.
    8 days ago

    What’s the alternatives? Depression & Suicide? Rise up in revolution out of general malaise? Or just post memes and hope something happens to change the status quo? Covid showed us that another world was at least possible, but it also brought on a lot of the ridiculous greed we’re seeing now too.

  • Wakanda Forever. First part where we’re saying goodbye to Chadwick was good in a sad way, but I couldn’t stand anything else that happened after that. I was just so annoyed with every character, I hated every minute of it.

    Secret Invasion is by far the worst Marvel production though, just a total shitshow and primarily what caused me to cancel D+, I was just done with the shitty writing.

  • It just felt like they were trying too hard in every scene. Ragnarok was great, one of the top Marvel movies, but the humor in that was unexpected, it hadn’t really been done like that before with Thor. We were used to this almost Shakespearian Thor, so it was a breath of fresh air. They needed to tone it down some more, maybe actually make it a bit more serious in L&T. They could’ve used it to question religion in general or something even.

    Also, Thor getting chained up and stripped down naked was apparently fine for a Disney movie, but when I do it at the theme park I’m a “sex offender” and “exposing myself to minors”, what the fuck Disney?!

  • Would it only be Texas though? Is there a chance that other US states might also join along with them, not because they wanted to secede before, but because the GOP is a cult and they can convince their people to go along with anything? Plus, how many military personnel would “defect” over to this new Texas Republic? The idea of Texas leaving and trying to go it alone against the rest of the current US is fairly one-sided, but what if Texas peels away a sizable chunk of the US with it? I wouldn’t doubt that Trump would support it if it meant saving his skin from all the trials he’s involved in (though given the status of most of them it may not be necessary).