podfeet@chaos.socialtoPhotography@fedia.io•The fab colours of a Northern Shovelers wings
1 month ago@JimsPhotos@ohai.social @josh@josh.tel I need to tag @zkarj@mastodon.nz in this
I’ve been doing a tech podcast for 18+ years (without missing a single weekly episode) called the NosillaCast. It has an EVER so slight 😉 Apple bias. I’m a retired mechanical engineer and newly minted software developer. I am learning to code through another podcast I do with Bart Busschots called Programming by Stealth. Married to @spsheridan
#podcaster #apple #podcast #ChitChatAcrossThePond #NosillaCast #ProgrammingByStealth
@JimsPhotos@ohai.social @josh@josh.tel I need to tag @zkarj@mastodon.nz in this
@JimsPhotos@ohai.social @josh@josh.tel I love this so much. The colors are brilliant, the incredibly crisp capture, and the fact that I cannot figure out where the bird’s head is makes me giggle!
@Sunshine Haven’t noticed that…