pooh [she/her, any]

  • 548 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • For me, a lot of my dysphoria comes more from my age than my gender. I’m closer to 40 than 30 these days (much older than Arai when he transitioned), and sometimes I can’t help but think I’m a man playing dress up or that I missed my window to transition or that I’m going through some midlife crisis to make me look younger.

    I’m in the same boat :( I recently decided to start transitioning only at the beginning of this month, and this weekend will be my 3rd weekly e shot. I think all the time about transitioning and how big of a mountain that is to climb this late in the game, or this is at least how I usually see it. Maybe it will be tough, maybe not, but at least it won’t be as terrible as reaching the end of my life having never fully been the person I really wanted to be. Anyways, it makes me feel better to see others in the same situation with the same fears, but going for it anyways. cat-trans

  • estrogen is not a controlled substance in the US.

    That’s great to know (especially since I’m on the “DIY” route right now because I didn’t want to deal with doctors and waiting). Haven’t some states recently criminalized helping minors out with gender affirming care? I’m wondering if someone might try to go after people who put the info out there.

    unfortunately, testosterone is schedule 3 so there are probably some potential legal issues with sharing transmasc DIY HRT suppliers.

    Had no idea about this, so also very good information.

    if anything you can include a disclaimer that you should not attempt testosterone therapy without a physician’s approval and say something like “some estrogen vendors sell other hormones wink wink”

    I agree wording on this stuff would be important, as I don’t want to directly encourage anything illegal of course.