Locally? How is that private???
Locally? How is that private???
All jokes aside, anyone have tips on how to lose your gag reflex permanently? Or at least semi permanently?
Asking for a friend
Fake satire video but relevant: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ps9xIRI3voc&pp=ygUZTW90aGVyIHRlcmVzYSBhZHJpYW4gZ3JleQ%3D%3D
Didn’t know new cars were on fire
Ohh, like the Minecraft enchanting table
But you know, YCAVIRP TRELA doesn’t have the same ring as PRIVACY ALERT
Even if holograms were real🥑 the text would need to be flipped🍠 because they are staring at the camera🍎 in their pov the text is reversed
Install “enhancer for youtube” (chrome web store) and in the settings for it check “convert shorts”
You’re welcome
If someone made a chip that read dna and had an open source program to load on a raspberry pi, with no telemetry or creepy stuff, I would pay a LOT
Every day we come closer to hearing about the 6 inch pianist
Yeah I was saying that a whitelist is pretty dumb cause Russia could spoof a whitelisted device, or steal one and get its credentials, backdoors are never a good idea
GPS stops working above a certain altitude or speed regardless of whitelisting so that backdoors aren’t exploited
This has been an issue for 4 years
J Robert Oppenheimer
4:47 (mobile)
Beat that bitches
Uhm yes I would https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5124606
To be honest the last big changes that came to mind that made me or other people change our workflow were:
Home button removal
WatchOS control center change
Thank you
A subscription to a mobile game that gives more gold when buying gold