quarrk [he/him]

  • 85 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2022


  • I dont know why tf so many of them feel so compelled to belittle others

    Bullying often comes from insecurity. In the first place she believes (probably taught by parents) that unattractive people are unworthy and subhuman. Combine that with emotional abuse that undermines her self-esteem, and you get someone who desperately needs affirmation that they are part of the in-group and not one of the undesirables. Putting someone else down gives a momentary feeling of being above the undesirable group, therefore among the desirables, even though she knows deep-down that social acceptance can only come from others.

  • There are of course many degrees of determinism depending on the philosopher. In western philosophy (which includes Marx) I think it is accurate to contrast determinism with free will. Marx and Marxism are often accused of holding mechanical-deterministic views of history in which revolution is seen to be inevitable in a mechanical sense. This is plainly not the way in which Marx conceived of history, in fact it is exactly the opposite. For example, writings like his Theses on Feuerbach, especially Theses 1 and 3, in which he criticizes the deterministic views of the mechanical materialists which neglect the essential role of human activity (free will).

  • Leftists generally accept the systemic nature of social conditions. Individual circumstances are given, inherited from the past. Social problems like poverty cannot be reduced to mere individual choices.

    On the other hand, the given-ness of our lives does not imply determinism and a lack of free will. Marxism depends on the existence of free will, for without free will there cannot be revolution and social change.

    I agree that if someone asks for money, then it is valid for someone to use that money on “vices” just so they can feel human once in a while. I believe that money given freely should be spent freely.

    I feel that in this comm, the requests tend to be specific. “I need money to buy some Chipotle” or “need a place to stay tonight” etc. Those requests do impart a responsibility on the recipient. Not an abstract “individual responsibility” that erases social conditions, but a direct personal responsibility to real Hexbear users who probably themselves do not have a lot of money to give.

    To say that responsibility does not exist is to say that free will does not exist, that misusing the money was determined from birth and inevitable. I think this is ultimately a destructive view and does not actually help people long term.

    Whether advice is helpful really depends on where it comes from; is it paternalistic, or does it contain an empathetic understanding of socially given circumstances?

    I tend to agree with lifting the rule, but there would have to be moderation against comments that are paternalistic, and that will be a tough line to walk since it is such a gray area.

  • I block my calendar if I have committed a specific time to something. If I signed up to use the laundry room, I put that time in my phone calendar with a 1 hour reminder.

    I have a few weekly recurring events, like 2 hours on Sunday for chores, 1 hour for my partner and me to check-in with each other. This latter part is important. After ~3 months of check-ins, I think our relationship has benefited and we feel better mentally and emotionally.

    I separately started recording my tasks. I use Google Tasks since it integrates into Calendar if you set due dates. If I have an obligation with no specific time to do it, it is a task. So one example is I have a weekly task to schedule my weekly laundry. Once I book the laundry room, I have an actual time I can block in my calendar. Then once the calendar event is created, I mark the task completed.

    Splitting my single calendar into multiple has also helped. For example:

    • A shared calendar that my partner subscribed to and has edit permissions, so we put our joint events on there.
    • A time-off calendar that tracks when I am approved for time away from work. I shared this with my partner so they don’t have to ask me.
    • A local events calendar where I can write down things I learn about e.g. flea markets or festivals, and I put reminders on my phone so that I don’t forget about them.

    Each of these calendars can have its own color and have display toggled on/off.

    Finally, on top of blocking time, I use the location field and the notes field to jot down extraneous details like URLs, or if I’m getting a haircut, the name of the stylist I selected. Just trying to transfer all these random facts out of my brain and into something more structured than a free-format notebook.