• 143 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Since you have been deeply involved in immigration activism

    Also fair. I’m an activist that helps immigrants find working class power, not an immigration activist.

    I didn’t know that was a requirement for getting a visa. When it comes to heads of government, I think about what my CEO would do and work off that. It works most of the time, but clearly not every time. It does recontextualize things for me a bit, but not enough to stop me from being absolutely pissed at the current administration or the ruling. I think we can both reach the agreement that the way immigration is about to change is total bullshit and needs a complete overhaul.

  • I’m not going to keep the numbered thing up, because a few of those answers are good enough for me.

    I don’t think the headline is wrong, I think this headline is indicative of the problem with headlines in general: they fundamentally can’t provide appropriate context. The state department does have the unrestricted power to separate spouses now, in a very narrow context where the non-citizen is not in the US (for now - we know where SCOTUS and Trump want this to go). Yes, it could have been better, they always can be. I’ve only seen maybe a handful of perfect headlines in my entire life, and most have come from the Rolling Stone. I don’t think this slant is any worse than mainstream headlines, and miles better than anything that would come from conservative media. I think the reaction is that as a country, we’re used to these angles coming from the right so it feels wrong for there to be leftist critique in news.

    Why would it matter either way if the lawyers report directly to him or to the DOJ? The DOJ is still administered by Biden’s handpicked appointee. This decision is inextricably linked to Biden’s administration. We don’t need to know if this is what he wanted in his heart-of-hearts, we just need to know that his administration is why we now have this majority ruling in the first place. The lawsuit would not have existed if the State Department didn’t try to fuck with people’s lives.

  • Do you intentionally try to start arguments with your comments? We’re not on reddit anymore, I don’t engage with bait. Consider it a warning, because I do want to have this conversation.

    Biden issued an executive order days before this decision. You even referenced it in your own comment. I called it a campaign because I’m a lead mobilizer and steward in my union, so some wires got crossed trying to describe the EO. However, I don’t think the comparison of an EO to a mobilizing campaign is far off. The taskforce trying to reconnect families is good. This article does take a passing swing at that taskforce, mostly to say that it’s far too little and way too late, but the headline and article is specifically about the court case and the majority opinion. That’s really all I have to say about this for the time being unless we get into border policies.

    I said that the administration pushed the issue, because they did. They intentionally baited the spouse of a US citizen to leave the country to strip the person of due process, and then denied the visa without a legitimate cause. When the appellate court reversed the trial decision, the Biden administration could have let the issue rest, gave an apology, and issued the visa. Instead they appealed it to the most fascist SCOTUS in the country’s history. Biden, or at least the lawyers representing the state, wanted the government to have this power.

    This is how things will work now. If a non-citizen gets married in the US and has to leave the country for any reason, their visa can get denied, the spouse cannot sue in the US on their behalf, and the person trying to immigrate cannot complete the paperwork based on the state department’s current process for immigrating as a spouse. That sounds like unrestricted power to separate families if you ask me. This isn’t cherry-picking statements from lawyers, this is the court’s majority opinion.

  • We’re reaching a point of having multiple “everything” problems. Housing is one of them. An everything problem is when several different socioeconomic crises result in it’s own specific crisis, and can likely only be solved if the solution also addresses the other issues too. Capitalism plays a huge part in the housing crisis, but so does climate change, wealth inequality, systemic discrimination, the opioid crisis, and so much more. All that to say, shit’s complex and addressing any of these other problems will give some amount of relief for the housing crisis, and vice versa.