roux [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 13 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2023

  • I was told by family that I no longer associate with that a minimun wage was meant to b a “starter wage.” Like they were implying that working as a teen/young adult was meant for practice. I’ve also been told by another lib that “both sides”, as in Dems and Reps, need to “come to a compromise on minimum wage.” Which means, of course, still less than a minimum living(last I talked to that guy, he was selling his second Corvette since he didn’t need it but obviously was an authority on minimum wage). The thing is that people that are only slightly smarter than these 2 I mention run this country. Everything is fucked Death to America.

  • Where we live we don’t have proper drainage because it never rained here until the climate started dying but we have little dips at intersections that sort of funtion as drainage I guess.

    But we used to live by a guy with a small penis that had truck nuts on his truck. Whenever he drove by our house and hit that dip at our intersection it always cracked me up because it would make 2 very distinct metallic clink sounds when the nuts hit the road lol.

  • Getting super fucking depressed. I haven’t been to therapy in 3 weeks and still got 3 more before my therapist is back from vacation.

    It’s been almost a year since I got canned from my job. I read a statistic this morning that it takes an average of 3 to 5 months to find a new job. I guess I’m an over-achiever. I really don’t know what to fucking do about it either. There are virtually no jobs in my area that are even worth applying for. When I do get an interview I just fuck it up. I don’t know how to interview, even though I have watched and read everything online about how to interview.

    This all came on because I think I technically have given up on trying to get a “real job” where I work for a boss. I am legitimately trying to get a freelance web dev thing going. I have told a few people about it and 2, not one but 2 of them that know my plight, asking me very fucking smugly if I am gonna also still try and get a “real job” while I pretend to make websites. Like, maybe fuck you? Sorry I didn’t fucking think about looking for a job. Jesus Christ, maybe that will help.

    I’ve filled out something around 600 to 900 applications but maybe that I should just apply to places I guess.

    I’m 41 years old. I checked my 401k yesterday and it’s at 35k. That’s it. That’s what I get to look forward to for retirement unless we successfully manage to wipe humanity off the planet first, which at this point I’d prefer. But at 41, you really can’t even save for any sort of retirement. I’m stuck trying to find a fucking job for the rest of my miserable fucking life. Find a job, like it, get burned out and hate it, get fired, look for year, rinse, repeat.

    Kind of fucking done. But yeah, people don’t wanna hire me and do want to fire me but I guess trying to be self employed is somehow an affront to those I told about. Same motherfuckers who don’t care about my financial well-being keep asking me if I still make sourdough. You know, because when you are suffering from crippling depression, you wanna bake some fucking bread. I practically have to put reminders in my calendar to bathe but sure lemme make some fucking bread while I have an existential crisis about dying poor and homeless. Hope you enjoy the motherfucking bread!

  • Finished reading Conspiracy Against the Human Race the other day. It’s ok. Not great. Not really a philosophical book, but more of an attempt at a fiction writer trying to write bleakly about an already bleak subject really. I was mostly digging it until the last chapter just turned into an analysis of Lovecraft’s and Poe’s writing styles since it was billed as a philosophical book and not a writer analysis but whatever.

    Ligotti mostly just writes like “here is why sad, I won’t explain it further but here’s the writer’s thoughts on this that I’ve been jerking off the entire book. Also here is a great modern philosopher who I don’t even know their real name.” He also does that repetition thing like you see in theory but it just never really lands.

    Probably a 5/10 book for me really.

    Also I started playing Axiom Verge again randomly the other day. I’m 2 bosses in and rage quit over the fast screechy zombie boys. Probably try to get back to it today.

  • We successfully managed to get back to civilization in one piece. Got unpacked yesterday and got the kids into bed. Then me and my partner broke into the weed and started watching SLC Punk. Aside from the long ass drive and church this am, it’s been a pretty calm weekend. Gonna work a bit more on this freelance web thing but also try and spend time with the family this week.

    Youngest is at that stage where he tries to put everything in his mouth in an attempt to asphyxiate so that is one thing we got going right now.