rtstragedy [she/her]

idk, don’t really know who i am right now

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • spoiler

    More silly because it took me so long, I guess everyone takes different time though. Also waow kink theory…

    Yeah, everyone’s got their own pace for things, there is no “right” … I remind myself of this sometimes…

    Fr it should be illegal to just lightly touch on that, we need to know more.

    lol yes Devon, what are you doing? I’m sure he’s written blog posts about it, haven’t gone looking though.

    Hmmmmmmm curious… autism and kink together again, many such cases apparently… whenever authors make dork unqualified statements like that I always want to grill them about it.

    Yes, unfortunately it was an unqualified statement. But I suspect a lot of the people who actually stick around for me are ND.

  • There’s also the possibility that it could be a texture issue that’s upsetting you, not necessarily an allergy but I have a similar reaction to oatmeal, where I enjoy the flavour but the texture makes me feel off lol

    Wow, interesting. Yeah it feels uncomfortable in my stomach, actually, I had to stop eating too much nut-based things (unless it’s balanced with other stuff) as it can make me feel a bit ill, but it’s always been really hard to describe the kind of feeling I feel, it’s not quite heartburn, not quite nausea… hmm

    (I had oatmeal this morning, I can handle it once or twice a week as long as there’s blueberries and seeds in it lol, otherwise I can’t)

  • spoiler

    Okay sounds good, truly you are not out of spoons, you are bespooned, lol.

    lol I didn’t even think of it with spoons theory, I was eating breakfast haha but felt absolutely compelled to respond, I am very skileld

    This sort of thing with people is very new to me so I’m all fascinated and shit, very silly of me.

    I don’t think it’s silly at all, I’m the same way when I discover something new that excites me. Happy to help where I can :), I think largely I don’t regret any of the kink stuff, even if I do regret some relationships etc. and I’ve read a couple of books on the subject too

    Blegh I still really need to read Unmasking Autism and stop being an autism lib…

    I found the book easy to get into, but that was early on in the “wait am I…” journey. But Devon doesn’t go too deep into it, I wish there was an entire chapter on it lol. TELL ME WHAT I NEED, DEVON!!!

    I just keep noticing (noticing!) the sensory interplay and stuff and I’m like waow, autism kink…

    Yeah bigtime, looking back I think a lot of the people I did kink stuff with were ND in some fashion, too (note: this may be selection bias), maybe Devon has a point about the community being “full of autistic people” or whatever phrasing he used.

    I am legit vibing honestly, huge fan


  • I hope you dont mind me responding to this

    I was just about to start responding to this point by point, lol, phone in one hand, spoon in the other atm. Compromise: respond to some points.

    But yes, kink was a huge part of my life for most of it, so maybe I qualify as having it as a special interest too. I have stories lol, too many stories, some of it is wrapped up in trauma like you said. It always surprises me how willing people are to share about this kind of stuff - its really heartwarming to me, as I prefer to be completely open to people I trust (and its helpful too, I need second opinions…)

    I also think it’s stellar how it intersects with things like autism, or even trauma

    This bit is new to me, and I am filled with endless curiously about the intersections here, most of my experience was before I was aware I was ND (well, technically I was diagnosed ADHD but I didn’t realise the rest of it or how much that impacted my life). I first encountered this bit in Unmasking Autism about the connection with kink, and it fascinates me. I’m not sure if there’s a lot of resources on this but I would definitely read a good book on the subject.

    especially when you and your conversation buddy can bounce back and forth between light chatter about your interests and deep, considered discussion of interpersonal or internal matters. Bonus points if you have threaded conversations and talk about both and more at once

    fuck yes this is literally drugs to me