ryepunk [he/him]

Just some pathetic cis white boy from Canada’s worst province who never amounted to much of anything. Work in a grocery store that is mostly okay, but don’t make enough to live off so I’m resigned to just trying to not cry too much every day. I have a partner I dearly love.

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2020


  • It’s like people who want help shopping at the grocery store. A robot is basically useless. My average interaction:

    “Do you have this thing?”

    Is it a food thing or a non food thing?

    “It’s a bin, for food”

    Okay, you want a big bin or a little one, disposable or resuable? Made of glass or plastic? Aisle 2.

    “It’s food, I can’t eat plastics or glass.” Okay… You want beans maybe?

    “Yes yes beans that’s what I said”

    Okay aisle 5, right hand side halfway down.

    Customers frequently don’t know what they want, or even how to say it. So I spent 5 minutes looking for a Greek spice ziitar when they were looking for an arabic/north Africa spice Zaatar that is in the world food section.

    Imagine a robot trying to decipher this, especially when many people have accents as well, or they just show you a picture of a thing. I can work it out, it takes a little to time. The robot would also be useless because our store carries like millions of things and has at one point carries most things but it’s a luck of the draw if we currently carry something. So ask a robot, do you carry tahini sauce? Yes we do, we currently have 0 at negative 1 dollar located in section not found. Because that’s all the computer is going to say for like 90% of the tahini stuff we carry since we’ve switched brands a dozen times and they all are still stores there even though we haven’t carried many for over a decade.

  • Yeah but now he has merchandise… So everything he does is just a promotion to sell more of the crap that makes him money. Like his shitty chocolate bars that sell for three times the price of a Nestle or Cadbury chocolate bar. Chocolate is like the ultimate sin food. It’s bad for you if you eat it, and the production of it was likely bad for everyone involved, and the money goes to ghouls who just want more money.

  • I had a cousin’s know it all husband throw this in my face when I explained why I still masked at work.

    I responded that the Nordic country that implemented no measures and simply let covid rip through them (maybe it was Sweden??) has simply seen more deaths than its European neighbours who did mask and quarantined and such. So the idea of immunity debt by failing to catch a disease isn’t really panning out in reality.

    Of course now we see people regularly catching covid like 2 or 3 times a year, and every study just keeps getting bleaker about what that’s doing to a body with each infection.

    I’ll take my mask off when I’m dead.

  • Oh no, china won’t listen to us guys!

    “As a wayward economic actor, dumping electric cars in Western markets and threatening to withhold critical minerals needed by high-tech industries.”

    How dare they use their economic might to, checks notes, make electric cars affordable around the world? And also how dare they use the national resources they possess, don’t they know a corporation could more inefficiently make heaps of profits off them? If china actually fixes the problems of the world how will our multinational corporations make profit for doing nothing?

    Death to America and her allies.

  • This is all 100% accurate I will concur. But in Alberta the Indian immigrants are mostly accepted but Sudanese and Asian (chinese specifically but anyone who looks Asian gets lumped in unless they have flawless better than Canadian English) get a huge amount of flak for showing up and taking our jobs that we refuse to do; mostly cleaning, meat packing, warehouse and trucking work. In fact some of the most racist to immigrants are people who moved most recently here and form the new recruits for the conservative party. It’s like the “fuck you got mine” gets pumped into them when they clear customs or something.