I am the journeyer from the valley of the dead Sega consoles. With the blessings of Sega Saturn, the gaming system of destruction, I am the Scout of Silence… Sailor Saturn.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • There’s this weird trend where some people simultaneously think:

    1. Chat-GPT will do everything for them and makes all problems trivial
    2. Whatever they decide to do with it still has value and is a good career choice

    Obviously 1 is false, but if we lived in a bizarro world where it was true then the “prompt engineers” would very quickly realize that literally anyone is capable of engineering prompts and they are not in fact a unique and special person who is better than anyone else at asking jarvis to wipe their butt for them.

    See also: the weirdos on twitter who argue that all careers except “prompt engineering” are on borrowed time.

  • Unsigned integer means an integer that hasn’t been cryptographically signed by the chain of blocks right?

    The verdict quotes this exchange (page 163):

    Q: Just out of curiosity, do you know what unsigned means in that?

    A: I do. Basically it’s unsigned variable, it’s not an integer with–

    Q: With what?

    A: It’s larger. I’m not sure how – I mean, on the stand here, I’m not sure how I’d say it, but –

    Q: Take a wild guess.

    A: How I would describe it, I’m not quite sure. I know what it is.

    Q: Okay.

    A: I’m not terribly good when I’m trying to do things like this. Writing it down would be different.

    Q: Well, do you recall you mentioned that you had a book by Professor Stroustrup?

    A: I do.

    Q: You haven’t disclosed that book, but you have disclosed three other books about C++, so I want to take you to one of those. It’s {L1/199/1}, and could we go to page 47. Do you see that it explains that “unsigned” means that it cannot be negative?

    A: Yes, I do understand that. Would I have thought of saying it in such a simple way? No.

  • Holy smokes this guys twitter is bursting at the seams with movie-clips and memes.

    I saw: Snatch, Peaky Blinders, Pirates of the Caribbean, Men In Black, Tombstone, The Good the Bad & the Ugly, Marvel, Sherlock, Fast & Furious, Gangs of New York, V for Vendetta, Ready Player One, Game of Thrones, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Breaking Bad, The Matrix, and X-Men.

    Each impeccably captioned with large text, set to music, and carefully edited / mixed together. In the span of like 9 hours

    These tweets were chosen for maximum superstonk hype, and had a lot of effort put into them. He chose themes of vengeance and male action-movie anti-heroes, He knows exactly what his audience will lap up.

    It’s so gross, but like in a kind of impressive way.

  • hi every1 im new!!! *holds up LLM integrated toaster oven* my name is katy but u can call me t3h NeW pARAdigm oF COmpUtINg!!! lol…as u can see im very agile!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet startup ppl like me _… im 27 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 read Hacker News w/ my girlfreind (im e/acc if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite website!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!! shes a CEO 2 of course (YC’20) but i want 2 meet more VC ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of funding here so give me lots of commentses!!! AAAAAIIIIIIIII!!! <— me bein hyped for LLM again _ hehe…toodles!!!

    love and AI,

    t3h NeW pARAdigm oF COmpUtINg

  • “How was your day sweetie?”

    “Oh nothing much I just positioned myself at the forefront of innovation while seamlessly integrating solutions into market-driven products. Then I leveraged technology to address real world challenges while actively engaging with the broader community via ecosystem contributions by utilizing top tier talent to advance the field with these innovated products. Cutting edge technology domains to revolutionize every facet of our privacy being basically --no big deal”

  • I’ve heard of these schemes before. As you say it’s like a REIT; but y’know one run by scammers, libertarians, or fools (or well all of the above).

    The blockchain part is entirely pointless at best (where they bolt it onto the side of a more conventional setup as a marketing gimmick), and a legal nightmare at worst (where they decide that code is law).

    e.g. in the latter case imagine trying to buy a house that’s technically owned by hundreds of anonymous people . Imagine what happens if the tokens that convey ownership in the property get hacked. Image what happens if the house becomes a money pit, needs repairs, is trashed, etc.

  • If anyone here lives in a cave and missed this somehow: SEC twitter was hacked yesterday and tweeted a fake ETF approval tweet (edit: mentioned in the post I really should read before commenting but I’m sick so blargh).

    This lead to a surprising amount of conspiratorial thinking including that:

    • An intern did it, despite the SEC saying they were compromised
    • They just oopsied and posted it a bit early, despite saying they were compromised
    • They did it themselves on purpose just to mess with bitcoiners or pump-and-dump or something
    • They did it themselves because twitter restored the account suspiciously fast.

    With the actual approval everyone’ll probably move on. But bitcoiners are doomed to chronic dissatisfaction so they’ll probably find something new to hate the SEC for sooner or later.