• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I was gonna pull a quote to sneer at how much capitalism and hustle culture have poisoned this guy, but holy fuck that kept getting so much worse the more I read. he’s in the hospital with such severe burns from a stupid stunt he did for a scam that he needs a strong opioid cocktail to function, but capitalism has hijacked so much of his brain he’s going to go straight back to it as soon as he’s out of the hospital

    this is the kind of shit you’d see in an absurdist dark comedy and go “yeah the filmmaker’s right, these are the consequences of a world where capitalism has gone too far and twisted us into something unrecognizable and self-destructive” but it’s here, we’re the absurdist dark comedy and these are the consequences

    fuck it, I’m gonna go rewatch The Lobster

  • god damn, the orange site supposedly being anti-crypto was never true (they were very much for it before it got a reputation for being a grift, and everything now just feels like damage control) but fuck is that thread surprisingly dense with cryptobros.

    Note that the same tactics that were used to wreck Bitcoin are now being deployed against Nix

    I’m sure Mike has something monstrous in mind with this comparison, but it’s apt in ways he almost certainly didn’t intend. let’s compare the problems in Nix with a traditional crypto scam!

    • the veneer of decentralization and collective decision making masks a highly centralized, informal leadership structure that overrules any community consensus that impedes their ability to get a payout
    • extreme forking hostility
    • “all complaints should go to the discord of the company we pretend isn’t in control!”
    • all critical discussions get sidetracked by right-wing trolls with financial incentives who can’t be banned because of project principles that defend them (and their money) but are easily weaponized against marginalized folks.

  • oh naming this fucking thing Uncharted (a Naughty Dog/Sony franchise that makes a shitload of money and got a movie 2 years ago) won’t end well if anyone in the industry notices. but crypto projects compulsively steal names for SEO, so here’s more weird stolen names from the article:

    with participation from The Spartan Group

    Halo and also a bunch of chud shit (and also history)


    this one’s just confusing? it’s a relatively small integer size for most things crypto-related, and architecturally it hasn’t been exciting since the early 90s (when computers and consoles being 16-bit, no ours is 32-bit, well do the maths cause Jaguar is 64-bit, was a big marketing thing) but I’m sure there’s an SEO gambit here

    Rich Cabrera (Founder, Ready Player DAO)

    oh come the fuck on

  • But to really spell it out for you: you’re carrying water for extremely harmful systems, built out at scale with no true regard for their present or future impact on people, the environment, or the world otherwise.

    what really makes it awful is not only is all that true, but (at risk of sounding like a broken record) the output really is fucking garbage. we got, what, two awful fucking cards that manage to look more generic than hearthstone, aren’t the right size (and one of them just has a fragment of a hearthstone screenshot in the background? wonder where it got that from!) and artistically start at bland and get worse the more details your eyes and brain notice.

    and for fucking what. so this shithead can come here and do the lazy plagiarist “uhhh this only took me 30 seconds but it’d be good if I took 2 more minutes bro I swear” shit that doesn’t work when you’re a high schooler passing off a Wikipedia article as your own work and sure as fuck doesn’t work as an adult? all the machine does is enable labor exploitation on a mass scale, burn an already fucked planet, and steal, and this, right here in this fucking thread, AI art shithead included, is the result? what a fucking waste.

  • “We pay our AI artist 15,000 USD per month for exactly 10 hours of work,” reads an X post from the official Champions TCG account. "Why? In that time, he still makes HUNDREDS of AMAZING bits of artwork—ASTRONOMICALLY FASTER than ANY team of traditional artists.


    The anonymous artist “has 15 years of digital art experience” and doesn’t use social media, he says.

    “For us to get this with a team of traditional artists it would cost us a lot more money, and time,” said Malec. “The guy’s a pro and he charges what he’s worth. We are well connected in the space and no one comes close to the quality he delivers.”

    I’m convinced this is money laundering, and pcgamer is negligent for not putting “NFT card game” anywhere in the title for this one so people have sufficient warning of that before they read half the article

    “His art is 100% AI generated, yet it has no extra fingers, no generic designs, no mistakes… It has consistent evolutions, skins, alt art styles—literally no one is on his level. We don’t care how he makes it, we only care that the end user enjoys our game.”

    extreme disagree on these not being generic — they look like shit, to be honest, and most of them seem to be poorly framed on the card at the very least. according to the article, a bunch of them also have extra fingers and mistakes, so there’s that too.

    Instead, the company challenged artists to complete a series of “art tests” in 48 hours, claiming that anyone who can match the quality of its AI prompt writer will be considered for a job as their assistant.

    aaaand there it is. do unpaid labor for us to prove your worth in this ridiculously unfair competition, and if you’re lucky you’ll get the chance to make less than minimum wage photoshopping the extra fingers out of thousands of shitty AI generated card images