That’s why he can’t wait!
That’s why he can’t wait!
Nah, the real message is some people wake up at a reasonable time, get a tasty breakfast in peace, have access to public transportation, then get to spend time in nature with their friends, no litter or pollution in sight. And somehow they still think life is shit and find a reason to complain instead of appreciating the gifts life has given them.
I thought just judges and prosecutors serve the state?
I don’t think I go through a dozen in a year
He’s a phony! A big, fat phony!
Like the car at the end of Grease? Or more like the one in Flubber?
I thought comedians were supposed to be funny
Where can I buy large grained salt?
DEM stands fir demon!
deleted by creator
I did this same thing when I was in Austin. When the cost of a decent drink at the bar you’re going to is the same price, it’s not too much to pay for carsitying services. But tbh I paid him half out of charity and half because I can’t be sure he would slash my tires for NOT giving him the money. He knows where my car is and knows I’m going to be away for a while. Better safe than sorry.
But the surrounding counties are pretty good.
But we also sell a lot of that military equipment to allies, making everyone stronger and recouping some of that spending at the same time.
A quick search shows about $300b in sales last year with a spending budget about $800b. Of course, that depends on whether Ukraine survives to be able to repay its debt. But even if it can’t, all the military spending goes to US owned companies or citizens (our soldiers) which circulates in the domestic economy.
I assure you, he’s still doing stupid shit. The national mainstream media has just moved on to other things.
Maybe they will just give schools money based on student count instead, which may be better
That’s probably why it was not chosen for this meme
If my math is right then he would have had to have $117k in bitcoin at that time to have $780m now. That is a lot of money to lose even back then.
What would you consider adequate pay for someone to rent out their hands as cups?
Are those distros copyrighted?