[email protected] leaking
[email protected] leaking
you didn’t ask him if he thinks for one fucking second that any of the shitheel CEO/executive suite trump fluffers he’s generating revenue for are working today?
it always starts with “be a dear and wash your ass,” then it moves on to “i need you to drive me to the hospital,” and “stop fucking my sister”
if the cultolick church says you’re a disgrace, then it’s really bad
the list of “never should haves” over the last 10 years could fill volumes
he doesn’t give a shit about pissing people off. actually that’s his prime motivation for existing.
what he wants is tiktok to owe him
holy fucking shit and people give me the “you’re a bad person” side-eye when i tell them there is such an easy way to never deal with that bullshit ever
as a former smoker, those still look delicious…
there is NO social media that’s worth getting frustrated over
the first time a site does something stupid (“enter your ph # to continue!” or “disable your adblocker to continue!”) i’m out and never going back. the internet exists to provide me with things, not the other way around
if you like snipers, see also carlos hathcock https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Hathcock
the movie trope of a sniper’s shot going through another sniper’s scope into his eye–hathcock did that
Blocking a troll. got one less problem without ya…
lol if i was blocked i wouldn’t see that…
but yea. bye.
has failed to communicate with the American public.
what did you mean by that, if not exactly what you said?
communication requires participation by both the sender and the receiver in order to take place. are you saying that if everything you tell someone is dismissed as “fake news” and ignored, then it’s your fault that nothing was communicated?
it’s been made abundantly clear that a lot of americans have no fucking idea what anyone is talking about
i hate when i forget to finish putting pant and shoe on one leg
also when i accidentally wear women’s shoes
how do i block any post with “hexbear” anywhere in the title or comments?
not only are there fewer kids, but the kids are less and less prepared for higher ed. i work amidst it. the number of students who can’t even compose a coherent email is mind boggling
It’s not really enjoyable to make music now
LOL reminds me of when american ISPs were trying to convince everyone, anyone that “we don’t provide gigabit internet across the board because americans don’t want it”
GOP: “we need to stop talking about climate change because nO sCiEnTiFiC cOnSeNsUs!!!”
also GOP: “lets teach about how jesus made the universe in 7 days, 4000 years ago”
convincing any woman that voting R is the best course of action has got to be the most heinous example of brainwashing/mind control in history