force them all into the private sector where conclusions come from CEO instead of research
force them all into the private sector where conclusions come from CEO instead of research
most people are in denial and carrying on like business as usual, making plans for 5 year projects as if the last remaining shreds of whatever used to pass for “checks and balances” were not being obliterated as we speak
they look like kids’ stuff, but they’re pretty deep dives into the topic they’re talking about
why tf does anyone still give a fuck what EA says?
that person sounds like an insufferable “i’m entitled to the world and everything in it” manbaby narcissist. no amount of money is worth having zero time away from work and destroying your mental health. fuck that
for fucks sake this entire conversation is bullshit. the whining about pittance of tax dollars spent on packages from china is entirely designed to make you stop paying attention to the absolutely obscene mountains of tax moneys going directly to american billionaires in the form of tax cuts, bailouts, and yes–fucking subsidies
honestly gtfo with this bitching about the USPS
the entire premise of your “point” is mind-bogglingly wrong. the USPS doesn’t make money, it costs money, just like any other org run by the government
how much revenue is the US military raking in? or are they “operating at a loss” too?
talking about ending the USPS because it’s “losing money” is the most bone-headed bullshit take on anything, ever. period
republicans are so fucking stupid
getting on a plane seems ill-advised nowadays…
is there a way to get the loops videos to play on the dashboard without having to click out to the source? or is that a instance thing
if you work for your state, county, city, town, or any place considered “public,” then this is going to happen to you too
yea, i’m all for shitting on the us, but come on. i’ll bet all those countries also spend more on everything “per capita”
what the fuck are people actually paying for at this point
i think the onion is overestimating the general public’s 20th century history knowledge
trump is the fed’s tool, not the other way around
lol “hypothetical”
but yea, it’s important to clarify reality: the law means nothing to fascists. those same laws still apply to you.
always seeking the first high of that one game that changed our life. and it never happens. so we try again. and again. and ooooh 90% off! i hate the genre, but it would be stupid not to take advantage
im starting to get hungry
oh goody, i can’t wait to see how much absofuckinglutely nothing they get accomplished
whether it’s plague, bullets, climate apocalypse, or meteor, whatever it is, i wish it would just hurry up and end us already