somename [she/her]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Soulism is apparently “anarcho-antirealityism”, taking the idea of perception and consciousness not being fully objective, and expanding that to the idea of saying the idea of an objective shared reality isn’t real. It’s a hierarchy, of some people forcing their views on others normatively! So then obviously, this needs to be abolished by having everyone person their own true rules and perception of their “private” reality.

    Aka it’s big solipsism ego-based stuff weaponizing leftist and inclusive rhetoric. A joke of an ideology.

  • If I’m reading it right based on my post archaeology, the mod accidentally typed you instead of You in regards to Grail, a person who uses capitalized pronouns. Which the mod then edited later and apologized for? This mod that also happens to actually have some actual leftist ideology?

    And now certain segments said they had to be demodded for transphobia, and the mod just went along with that out of guilt?

    Wild situation lol.

    It seems the mod in question was supportive as well, in the past, removing comments that mis-referred to the user. Insane to say they are transphobic tbh. I wonder if it’s a “coincidence” that the mod was arguing against Their Biden-genocide apologia.

  • Reminds of me of trans healthcare. It’s the Wild West in a lot of ways simply because doctors don’t give enough of a shit to “properly” do advanced studies of things. Like, we know the basic tools are safe, but a lot of bigger questions about medical patterns you fit, how longer term HRT might affect the body in one way or another, it’s a big unknown space, but a lot of doctors just shrug and ask what you really are and stop thinking there.

    Like even something that’s sorta becoming a common treatment, like Progesterone still gets slapped with like “unverified” smears, despite years of reports through the grapevine, because again they can be added to actually do official research.

    When I was closeted I heard some friends of mine at the time in med school joke about trans people, and basically say they taught absolutely nothing about them. Among other hurtful thing.