• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This is great advice, coming from someone who pondered using the “Mother was really sick and had to manage her illness and passing” excuse if I ever went back, as it was true for me too. (I’m sorry for your loss, it’s a really painful life transition, I know.)

    I ended up taking a slightly different approach. I worked in IT project management before I retired early. My LinkedIn resume shows me currently employed as an “IT consultant” and will until I decide I need another job or I kick it.

  • OP, this person knows what they’re talking about. One of the screening questions when I was diagnosed with ADHD had to do with clumsiness. My own parents used to call me, “An accident waiting for a place to happen.”

    I have slowly been able to improve my clumsiness a little bit, by exercising regularly with a trainer 5 days a week. One of those days is a balance-focused day and after 2.5 years I’m actually able to hold poses and (mostly) stay upright and steady. But it was SLOW going.

    The night before my 50th birthday, after I had been taking this class for 7 months, my husband and I were on a sunset cruise and his phone fell out of his pocket and over the side of the ship. I reached out with one hand and successfully caught it. THAT KIND OF THING NEVER HAPPENS TO ME!

    I celebrate that day every year as much as my birthday now. I managed to show off hand eye coordination before I was 50!

    Get screened… :)

  • Simply holding a glute bridge for at least a minute for several rounds during a workout helped me start activating glutes that had been deadened from sitting at a desk job for two decades. I will often do up to 10 minutes of glute bridges in a 30 minute workout.

    I usually combine glute bridge holds with upper body work using dumbbells (press, diamond press, skull crushers, flies) so I’m getting weight work in while activating my glutes.

    Also mix things up with one legged glute bridges and glute reps (up and down with a weight on your hips). A key for activating your glutes during these holds is to make sure that you are pressing your heels into the ground, not your toes.

    As you get those muscles used to firing during the holds, you should start to feel them activating more during squats, etc.