
  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2024

  • Sounds like capitalism at work, pricing to suit demand :( Not a great idea to let a domain fall out of grace if there’s ever a chance you’ll want it again.

    In work we still maintain domains for arms of the parent company that are long defunct. Less for us and more to prevent others registering.

    I’ve had one personal domain go out of grace, but the reactivation price wasn’t too bad. Cheeky, yes - but not bad enough to get something new.

    Could be worse, could end up at auction like hexbear did…

  • You’re right to question the article, which is thin on facts in a very specific area - which better presents the person it is about. Joe Average would probably see “had some weed” rather than “was involved in a cross-state trafficking operation” by the way it is written.

    The question could have been better presented. If race was removed from the equation, and the US wasn’t deporting masses of people like it is now - then you probably wouldn’t have had such a strong reaction.

    The mod that removed your comment for “misinformation” is following popular opinion rather than fact. “Marijuana-related charge” is vague and can imply anything alongside - including violence.

    Regardless, I think they were wrong to deport. Reasonable people will commit crime when pushed to, which represents a failing of the state more than a failing of the individual.

  • Better article with more detail.

    During the pandemic, the family moved into a house that prosecutors say was part of a marijuana trafficking operation.

    Yang was among 26 people indicted in a sweeping federal case in 2020. It alleged Yang helped count and package cash that was mailed to marijuana suppliers in California. Prosecutors found bags of cash taped between pages of magazines, according to a complaint.

    She took a plea deal and served 2 1/2 years in prison. She said her attorney incorrectly told her the plea deal would not affect her immigration status as a green card holder. But her legal permanent residency was revoked.

    At the end of her sentence, Yang was transferred to an ICE detention facility in Minnesota. There, at the advice of another attorney, she signed a document agreeing that a deportation order would be entered against her in exchange for being released from detention.

    Despite agreeing to be deported, she and her attorney believed it wouldn’t happen, since only a small handful of people are deported to Laos each year

    Sounds like she got involved with something she shouldn’t have as a green card holder, and then took some crap legal advice that didn’t account for an aggressive change in administration/policy.

  • We visited Tokyo in Autumn 2018, staying at a hotel in Shinjuku. Given that this was 7 years ago, note that our experience is that of the time.

    We stayed mainly in & around the city, but we did make a trip out to Hakone. Having a local friend who speaks the language made all the difference - especially out in Hakone - but it is easy to pick up the most basic greetings & manners.

    Thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

    Confirmed Expectations

    • Public transit runs well and is frequently overpacked.
    • High speed trains are exciting.
    • People are generally polite & will try to help.
    • Food is to die for.
    • Gaijin tax does exist in some places - e.g. foreign language menus with different prices. Only ran into this twice over a 10-day stay.
    • General orderliness and tidiness. Almost everywhere.
    • Salarymen can drink like fish.
    • Most things can be obtained from a convenience (Lawson, 7-Eleven etc).


    • Cash is king.
    • Depending on the line, the trains may change track at fairly high speed. You are warned when this will happen. How the locals can free-stand and not fall over during this remains a mystery.
    • Smoking is inside, not out, with some exceptions.
    • Not many public bins - expect to hold trash for a time until you find one or get back to where you are staying.
    • The best and worst in toilet technology.
    • The variety in the KitKat department.
    • Hot bottled drinks in vending machines.
    • McDonald’s is actually good, and caters to the local tastes.
    • 100 Yen shops have some neat stuff.
    • Elevators to places that open onto the street, and tell you if you need an umbrella.
    • On umbrellas - stands exist in shops specifically for quickly wrapping wet umbrellas, preventing puddles.


    • Don’t tip.
    • Bow.
    • Accept and give anything meaningful with both hands. Gifts, cards etc.
    • Look up customs at shrines & temples before visiting.
    • Buy your transport tickets (JRPass esp.) in advance.