tamagotchicowboy [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2021


  • For anyone 2 alcohol swabs, one for the vial and one on the body, aspirate before injecting (if you see blood try a different spot, yes it hurts but HRT isn’t intravenous) and make sure to rub the area for a min after for all the oils and put a bandage (optional) to keep the area extra clean. Never do a shot to the backside of the legs since you have all sorts of nerves there and its how people/animals would get paralysis after shots. Always use a clean needle when drawing since that’s how you get icky infections otherwise.

    Would look up an IM (intramuscular) injection guide, they used to have vids of nurses giving people thigh shots, that’s probably one of the easier ones to DIY. Subq (subcutaneous) uses shorter needles and you can get away with the stomach, very similar to insulin shots, though absorption rate is slower and I’m not sure how well that works out for E.

  • CW: body horror, fluids, blood and dysphoria:


    So the last time I had a period was well over 5 years ago, guess what decided to happen today? Last time I had to deal with periods and PCOS grade cramps I had things called bathroom breaks at work and I could call out and not be penalized since PCOS is no joke and tbh gets messy fast, like soak through an overnight pad in blood as fast an hour, though thankfully that degree of heavy usually never lasted longer than a day. This job penalizes even if you’re out dying of covid in the hospital.

    Anyway, as a perpetual closer there are no bathroom breaks since no one else can back me up. To make matters worse I’ve gained weight from stress lately and I only have one fitting pair of black pants. I’m worried about how this is going to play out since when I still had them (years ago) I’d have the bleeding for up to weeks. I’m dreading the scoldings about smelling like blood already (got them at my last physical job) and also worried about the logistics, can’t switch pads out if I get hit by a flood unlike I could then. I have a super long trip this week to get to the dentist (7am to coming home at 8pm), but at least I can swap out every 4hrs. Lastly, this is obviously a somewhat outing occurrence and I haven’t been this worried since I got hit by the 1 pad an hour on a day I had 4 finals on back in college. I’m sure all this just happened due to having to drop my T dose due to losing insurance.

  • Sure, its not going to be the most paid or glamorous job, starter jobs won’t pay for you to be on your own generally. I’d try for online using that 3dmodeling etc, lots of demand in it for 3dprinting and AI as others mentioned, that or something with data would be your most survival and first steps toward refreshing yourself time and self management wise.

    Xthing there are no good singular survivable jobs, good jobs require connections that 99.99% of the populace lack and always will under capitalism. On reddit and shit you’re seeing that .01 and a ton of bots, the most of us may as well be on Charon vs them the alienation is so vast. You’re lucky to realize this, but still you have to survive in some way by their unfortunate fucked up and irrelevant rules. Those milestones are also not as universal as you think, so don’t judge yourself harshly. Survival itself is a great feat under hell capitalism.

    Its not lying. You’ve been a freelance 3d artist all this time, throw in all the ATS words. It checks out, you are a 3d artist by training, so why not? In my experience even for entry level jobs you can’t have a blank resume, just use your education as one job and your warehousing as the other and it should be ok, not great but it will get you an interview or two at whatever entry level deals maybe. Interviews you don’t need to lie, just youtube up common interview questions and practice your answers.

  • Murikkkans don’t like being told what to do, one part correct distrust in institutions but sadly a lot of gut feels nearing instinct since there aren’t approachable people telling them how it is that aren’t grifters. Talk with people when you can. That’s something small IRL to do, and being here you know of a great opener to approach the pandemic itself, through economics, since that is a shared concrete reality most you’ll encounter can’t escape no matter what fantasies they construct for themselves.

  • If you can speed read can confirm this is the easiest job ever. If you don’t get into one or get booted there’s lionbridge, telus, outlier, dataannotation, welocalize, etc. The exams between them are fairly similar (and tell you all the issues with modern search engines and AI that aren’t getting fixed anytime soon because that’s asking way too much competence out of capital). Some make you specialize, others you’re a generalist in what questions you answer.

    For downsides sometimes they’re looking for workers only in certain states/countries and they pretty much own your phone data, I’d highly HIGHLY recommend using a burner gmail to apply rather than your real one since they make you look up all sorts of things, even fucked up shit, in every language known to <insert search engine or AI here> and it totally hoses your algo. The work comes and goes in spurts, you can go weeks with no projects/tasks around and its super bad during the holidays, prepare for 0 income then if this is your only gig. It’s also fickle work, they let people go to meet quotas or just because they can, so again not good to rely on this as your sole source of income. Sure, that’s any job, but here being virtual there’s no context clues/warning given. They like to keep turnover/firing rate sky high one for the obvious to keep wages low, but two the sillies think it mimics real learning when there’s quite a bit more to it than that. You may do a lot of work and suddenly a glitch and they don’t credit you or you get fired and aren’t compensated.

    Last thing to beware of, and important is careful how you look these up, there’s a lot of copy cats that are simply fully fake. Check on reddits dedicated to the particular data rater job/ratracerebellion for reliable links.