• 45 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s exactly what tens if not hundreds of thousands of young Greeks have done in the last 15 years.

    Greece has a brain drain problem. This ridiculous measure is actually sold by the government as an attempt to address the shortage of certain skilled worker categories. By … incentivizing the few that are left to pack up and leave. In practice, it’s just class warfare.

    The Greek ruling class is a bunch of grifters, landlords, smugglers and gangsters (always have been, since 1830) and they are basically betting on a “recovery” based on cheap labour.

  • No I am not. I am not even defending: I did not reject off hand your position, I said it is implausible based on what I know, explained why I think it is implausible and asked for you to explain why you think it isn’t. It’s dialogue, not sparring.

    I don’t even have to provide “proof” of policies working. You are the one that said none of them would work, i.e., you’re the one that makes a blanket statement. I’m saying try them all, some combination will probably do it, because these all sound like good ideas that are also not mutually exclusive. You’re asserting something logically stronger than me, so you’re the one with the burden of proof.

  • You misrepresent what I’m saying. I’m saying that the constraints in one vs the other country are so vastly different that you can’t draw direct conclusions.

    I have no idea how the Singaporean society and economy functions. Maybe they need more space for factories and vertical farms. Maybe the previous situation was too crowded to begin with and they are taking up more space. I don’t know. Do you?

    And regardless, it’s up to you to explain why the real estate market of a tiny island city state is a useful paradigm from which to learn policy lessons in the second largest country on earth. It’s a counter-intuitive position, so the maxim that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence applies.