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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Are you saying that it does work with open suse tumbleweed with the stock kernel?

    I havent run opensuse much as a server but am always looking at it and Arch.

    Probably going to switch to Arch eventually because the arch wiki is just the best docs I’ve found.

    If you’re not relying on say a closed source driver that needs to compile for each kernel update you should have no issues there.

    If you set up btrfs snapshots to run on updates then you could always just roll back if there’s a bad one. That’s how my arch laptop is set up.

    Personally wouldn’t use Debian testing over arch or tumbleweed though. I think there’s something to be said for being on the same packages as the maintaners and not a testing version.

  • I’m saying that sharing the same DNA is not what I meant by connected. I meant a real-time connection between thinking beings, no DNA required. Sharing DNA is a connection but not the connection I was talking about.

    You can say what we should do all you want and I mostly agree. Or at the very least I try not to act on beliefs that don’t have evidence.

    But you asked what spirituality is and I told you my definition of it. I’m not trying to debate the mysteries of the universe with you just explain what a word means to me and lots of other people.

  • Being descended is not the same thing.

    Here’s an example of some spiritual thoughts based on my best understanding of science. I don’t necessarily believe in any of them.

    We think of space as empty but it isn’t. The entire universe is completely filled with either matter or energy (gravitational waves, electromagnetic waves, etc.) So we know that technically we are all literally connected.

    One conception of god is a universal consciousness. I think that consciousness arises as an emergent property of matter. ie once we have enough neurons connected and sensory organs we start to develop a sense of self and memories and imagination. Maybe we are all just tiny parts of a universal consciousness unable to perceive our place in the whole.

    Is it true, probably not. But its nice to think about sometimes.

    Another spiritual belief some people like to have is that this entire reality is merely a simulation. Tech bros like to have it and Christians believe it too, even if they don’t realize it.

    So spiritual beliefs aren’t necessarily anti-science, but they posit on things beyond our knowledge of the natural world. They are “super” natural. Possibly unknowable. No matter how advanced our scientific understanding becomes there will always be more we don’t know the answer too.

  • Well I think it does have to do with the supernatural or at the very least the belief that there is something “more” out there. If someone tells me they are spiritual I assume they do have a vague supernatural belief whether it be a vague interconnectedness of all living things to more specific things like reincarnation or a soul. Or “hippy” things like crystal energy or empaths or similar.

    But religious is a prescribed set of beliefs and doctrines and usually an organization like Catholics or Hindu or different Muslim sects. If someone tells me they are religious I would ask them oh, what religion? And the answer would give me a pretty good idea of their beliefs.

    So most religious people are spiritual but not all spiritual people are religious.

    I’m an atheist but I’m programmed catholic and still can’t help but think that maybe there is someway we’re all connected or somethjng more to all of this. Of course I think if such a thing exists that it is then real and natural and could eventually be quantified at least in theory.