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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Sure, I was there then. I was on Facebook right in the beginning, when you needed a university email address to even sign up.

    So that’s true, but it’s also true to say that early Facebook wasn’t the same as modern Facebook. Early Facebook was - as the name suggested, a place to connect with friends, share pictures and plan events. You’d probably check it once a day to see what was happening, but that was it. And your home feed would be a direct and unfiltered view of what all your friends posted, in the order they posted it, without bias. And you could easily catch up on everything that had happened and then you were finished.

    It’s the birth of the algorithm and infinitely scrollable tailored content feeds that really defines what social media has become.

    This and mobile Internet have really gone hand-in-hand. The algorithm has made us want to be scrolling all the time, and mobile Internet has made it possible .

  • tiramichu@lemm.eetoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlIs everything the worst?
    8 days ago

    I don’t think anyone would claim that literally going outside is gonna fix anyone’s life, or cure this broken-ass world we live in.

    But the sentiment isn’t wrong.

    It means: Take some time for yourself. Enjoy the small things. Exercise. Feel the sun on your face. Leave your phone in your pocket, and stop doomscrolling. See the world in your own terms, not the terms others want to force upon you.

    It helps. You can’t change the whole world, but you can change yourself.

  • Technical requirements are often ambiguous when written as free text, the way someone would speak them, because as you have discovered the free text fails to capture where the linguistic stress would be that disambiguates in speech.

    Instead, I suggest using a format that is more suited to text.

    I would recommend a table. Email the customer back with your current interpretation of the requirements, with a column for outcome and a column for value. Ask them to check and sign off on the table, or to correct the table where it is wrong.


    Outcome Value
    NULL x
    Complete x
    Cancelled x
    (Other) x

    There are edge-cases with if outcome can be "Complete or Cncelled