Fogo, isso já é muito a norte.
Que história haha Às tantas pregaram-te uma partida :P
Eu tb n senti nada, e conheço gente que em Setúbal tb não, mas pela zona de Leiria sim. Estranho x)
Segundo o artigo chegou mais ou menos até Coimbra.
Sim penso que foi o Livre que propôs o alargamento aos intercidades, inter-regionais e urbanos, mantendo os 49€, no entanto.
Yeah, exactly! I was quite amazed at how fast my French degraded after I stopped having classes.
Pois, confesso que tb n sei muito sobre isso, e aliás gostava de saber mais.
I’m a native Portuguese speaker, fluent in English and can understand Spanish and French. Despite having had 3 years of French in school, I can no longer speak properly, and my writing is really bad, but I can understand pretty well. Spanish just comes to me because of the similarities with Portuguese, I never formally learned it.
Nem mais. Esse centro tem vindo a fazer um ótimo trabalho, mas são coisas que demoram tempo.
Investimentos a longo prazo têm sido muito escassos em Portugal, há sempre muito foco na periodicidade dos mandatos. Precisamos de mais coisas assim.
recomendo procurares no XDA Forums
A mina! Há malta que continua a manter boas ROMs não oficiais. Apesar do meu Redmi 4X já ter pifado (o touch desistiu completamente numa porção do ecrã), durou 6 anos com builds não oficiais do Lineage+MicroG 🙏
Não é bem bem o que estás à procura, mas recomendo dar uma olhadela à plataforma de participação do parlamento:
Com o devido número de assinaturas, detalhadas aqui, as petições são levadas a discussão nas sessões plenárias da Assembleia.
Ah right, Molly. Have yet to tried it, but looks interesting.
I think I’m too afraid of moving my main stuff to Molly, lest I lose something :P But the UnifiedPush and multiple mobile clients is enticing.
True, it’s been much more slow paced. Thought it was because the videos took much more time to make, wasn’t aware he was quite active on Patreon.
This is a good suggestion. Docker is more mature and has more resources, so it’s better to learn the ins and outs of containers. After getting comfortable with it, you can move to Podman and have a much better time tackling its peculiarities regarding permissions and rootless.
I used Docker for years and only recently decided to give Podman a try, porting my Lemmy instance to it.
Oh really? Was not aware of that at all. Their recent videos about the second Punic Wars were incredible.
Yeah that’s a bummer. Signal has multi device support but only for desktop and iPad (yeah, not Android tablets), but you always need to have a master phone device.
It’s been an issue for so long, but this is Signal, they do whatever the f they want.
How can I make using Arch Linux my personality
That cracked me up x)
Anyway, I’d say it’s good that the OS is out of your way once set it up. Even though I don’t use Arch directly, I like how comprehensive the AUR is (even though there may be repositories more packages, like nix and whatnot), think the ArchWiki (like the GentooWiki) is a very useful resource, even if you use a completely different system.
Very well put, he makes an effort of bringing you along, which is a nice thing for a younger audience. I never stopped liking his relaxed style, though. His videos are one of those things I always reserve some time to enjoy.
Yeah, I suppose. His channel has less than 500k subs, though, so I always like to recommend it :P
Yeah, I am lucky to live in such a country and it’s amazing. The state and municipality each subsidised part of the purchase, so I ended up paying 300 something euros to install 3.5 kW of panels. My electricity bills are almost non existant during summer and also cheaper during winter. To make it even better, anytime I’m not using the produced electricity, it gets sold to the grid, even if pretty cheap, rebating on my next billing cycle.