the best time to get educated about what a fascist american government looks like is 20-25 years ago. the second best time is… wait, too late
the best time to get educated about what a fascist american government looks like is 20-25 years ago. the second best time is… wait, too late
i think everyone should be made aware that although libraries absolutely do everything they can to protect patron privacy, your checkout history does exist somewhere, and all of that data (and honestly, all data hosted by a corporate entity) basically belongs to trump now.
moving forward, you should be safely and anonymously pirating anything that might be seen as “subversive”
also related: you need to get rid of the idea that information or ideas (copyright) belongs to any one person (or corporation), and that it’s somehow “unethical” to obtain that information without paying for it. fuck that. there is no such thing as “piracy”
actually yes trump. please try and fuck with the fed