Lego StarWars ❤️❤️❤️ I loved it already as a kid and it’s still one of the games I like to play from time to time. It’s so nice that it’s made in a way that you can play in coop with people who never used to game before but it’s also fun for someone who has a fair share of gaming experience and it’s still fun for everyone.
The way I learned Spring was basically by just being pushed into a Java project that was using it right after I finished uni. Tbh it was a bit overwhelming but I was able to slowly wrap my head around it in about a month or two. It was also the first “real” framework I ever used. Ever since then I started to just jump right into projects and try to grasp the basic concepts of the frameworks used, since they are mostly quite similar and try to expand my knowledge from there on. At least for me this worked well for NestJS, Flask, Django and somehow also for stuff like angular and Android development but there I had to put up with some formerly unknown concepts.
That one single song that played on the load screen of Boiling Point - Road to Hell. It was incredibly good and I still listen to it from time to time. Boiling Point Road to Hell Main Theme
That would be really nice, up until now I was just subscribing to basically every community and even thought about just setting up one user on the server that subscribes to every community I ever come across but that would be kinda tedious. So if it starts to somehow work automagically for you I would just wait a few more days and see what happens.
The first time federation is a bit slow in the beginning.
Since I don’t know any better place to ask and I also setup my instance on Hetzner maybe some of you could provide me with some input regarding federation. I’m able to search new communities; the way I’m doing it right now is by searching for their handler (this !comunnityName@InstanceName thing) on my instance. For some reason if I haven’t searched for the community before no search results show up but I can switch to the community all list and see the community there. After subscribing to a community everything works nicely, I see posts, comments everything.
But my main question is, if there is a way to federate a server (e.g.
) in a way that I can just click on communities on my server and see every community on the federated servers without having to manually search them first?
This is something that I wasn’t able to grasp from reading the lemmy docs and also didn’t found a satisfying answer to when googleing.
By default they block ports 25 and 465 afaik you can request getting them unblocked after you paid your first invoice and your account is at least one month old. For some reason they aren’t blocking port 587 so you could connect to your mail server via that port if you don’t want to wait for the first month to be over using starttls and after a month switch to 465 with normal tls. And as @[email protected] already mentioned you shouldn’t use port 25 since you’d be sending your mails unencrypted.
That calls for a c/suicidebywords :D
Ich glaube da vertust du dich. Die innenpolitischen Standpunkte Wagenknechts sind nicht die einer prolearischen/ proletariatsnahen Linken, sondern die einer Frau, die zwar manchen wirtschafspolitischen Feldern linke Positionen vertritt (wobei mMn auch hier von ihr, auf jeden Fall in den Jahren vor 2015 ( danach habe ich ihre wirtschafspolitischen Aussagen nicht weiter verfolgt), auch eher ordoliberale Positionen vertreten wurden), jedoch vor allem seit 2015 ansonsten gerade im Bereich Asyl zunehmen mehr in die Mitte, oder auch nach rechts gerückt ist, die eine stark Russlandfreundliche Position vertritt und deren Positionen sich generell mehr und mehr mit denen der AFD überschrieben.
Ich möchte ihr noch nicht absprechen, dass sie dem Grunddogma einer linken Politk, nämlich der “Gleichheit” aller Menschen abgeschworen hat, aber sie vertritt eben Positionen, die dafür sorgen, dass Menschen sie wählen, mit denen man ich mich lieber nicht gemein machen will.
Forderungen nach Ende der Russlandsanktionen, ick hör dir trapsen.
Naja, ich bin bei dir, dass sich sicher indirekt Nachfolgeorganisationen bilden werden. Aber, es sorgt eben vor allen Dingen dafür, dass gewisse Organisationsstrukturen zerschlagen werden, gerade nämlich auch finanzielle Organisationsstrukturen. Gerade diese dann fehlenden finanziellen Mittel, erschweren einen Neuaufbau enorm.
Zumal sich auch die Frage stellt, ob überhaupt wieder eine so einheitliche Partei entstehen wird, oder ob wir Dank einer dann verstärkten Zersplitterung der rechten Szene wieder einige Jahre/ Jahrzehnte etwas mehr Ruhe in Deutschland hatten.
Persönlich denke ich aber nicht, dass wir auf diesem Weg “das rechte Problem” in Deutschland gelöst bekommen. Da gibt es viel mehr Probleme, auch struktureller Art, die aufgearbeitet werden müssten.
In case you get it working it would be really cool if you cold post you config somewhere. Maybe the main dev could even integrated it in the docu at some point. I’m quite sure there are more people who set up there home servers using traefik and that there is an intersection between them and people who consider starting a lemmy instance.
E.g. I would really like to ditch the VPS I’m currently using for my instance and run it on my home server since there are free resources and I would have to spend the 5 euros for the VPS.
I have to admit I was a bit lazy and started with a new vm when setting up my instance earlier today but I found this thread in the traefik community where someone was asking question on how to setup their traefik config for Lemmy. It’s a bit old, last post is from spring of 2020 but it’s already traefik v2, so hopefully not much changed since then…
EDIT: By being lazy and starting with a new VM, I meant that I could just use the Ansible playbook and had it running in a few minutes.
Might be because the average Linux user is way more aware of how useful a crash report can be and therefore actually submitted them. At least most Linux users I know actually read error/ crash messages and not just call someone saying there was some pop-up, I just clicked ok and the game was gone.