Thank you for the tip, I’ll check it out, if the Pi runs unstable again. Just surprised, it sounds that it happened often to you… Since I upgraded to better sd-cards, I never had sd-card trouble again for nearly a decade now. (And I am constantly running multiple Pis 24/7 as servers)
When was the US the last time a democracy?
You can vote democrats or republicans, which mostly get bankrolled by the same rich assholes. As a normal citizen of the US you have almost no influence at politics at all, because the media is controlled by rich people, the biggest internet platforms are controlled by rich people, elections are paid for by rich people, …
The current situation is not a spontaneous, miraculous, magical result of Trump and his gang, it was years in the making by lobby groups, influential/rich/powerful people and neo liberal brainwashing of the masses.
Same holds true for most other western so called democracies.