I live alone and I’m just wasting away my time here. It’s actually making me very depressed to be honest. I do live in the city which makes think there ought to be at least something to do out here. Though I can’t really afford to spent money on it every day.

So unless it’s like a one time purchase or if the costs are actually that low. What do you think I should do?

  • Lurker
    9 months ago

    Find a game store! Every city should have one or two places where people gather to play board games and card games. I’ve met some really great people just jumping into random magic the gathering matches. Only of my best friends was just some dude I met at the card shop, he was looking for a group to play dnd with and we’ve been meeting up once a week ever since.

    Apps like meet up (if it’s still a thing?) may be really useful as well.