• Crozekiel
    8 months ago

    Staged a coup in my Archage guild, we managed to get away with basically all of the guild assets.

    Joined guild, made friends with one of the officers and his small in-group of pvpers. Was a reliable asset and helped us get a couple of merchant ships and a galleon, plus had farms just full of high value trade packs.

    Problem was the GM and I didn’t get along very well. She wanted to dictate how we named the ships in a way that I felt was cringe as hell and generally wasn’t open to input or criticism at all. One day I logged in at like 2 or 3 am when no one else in the guild was online and I just left the guild. Next day I logged in and sent messages to the people I’d made friends with and told them the GM kicked me, since it was well known she didn’t like me.

    Stoked the flames for an hour or so and convinced most of the in-group to quit after we took all the assets we could. Drew a giant dick with barley plants on the front lawn of the GM’s player house and then they all g-quit.

    She raged for months, shouting in global chat that we were a bunch of pirates anytime she saw us, and tried to gank us multiple times, poorly. It was glorious, but I never told any of them what really happened.

    We also invented boatnado. The bouancy physics had a fun glitch where you could make a merchant ship spin on its end at an ever increasing rate and the mast would just fire any ships that got too close off into the horizon. Never fully managed to weaponize this discovery, but we had a ton of fun with it.