I have a website setup and am trying to get ad revenue (wordpress.com site). Issue is that I need a Paypal account, for which I need a phone number and bank account from the same country. I have Canadian bank stuff, but no Canadian phone number. I’ve checked out skype, viber, textnow, openphone, and a few other services but none work (because I’m in Lebanon and they require a phone number to sign up). Any ideas? A VPN won’t work since most services are requiring that I sign in using my phone number, which is Lebanese.

  • Otherbarry
    5 months ago

    Issue is that I need a Paypal account, for which I need a phone number and bank account from the same country. I have Canadian bank stuff, but no Canadian phone number.

    I’m in Lebanon

    That won’t go well for you long term, Paypal will eventually catch on and permaban you. You’ll also lose whatever funds were in the account during that time.

    If you still go through with it I suspect you’ll need to figure out how to buy a non-virtual phone number, just seems like a waste of time since Paypal will eventually add it to their permaban/fraud database.