But dude. I can’t just sit around, drinking superjuice while bad deeds are committed all around. How shall I select? What to prioritize? Whom to save, whom to ignore?
I can’t do it, this pressure!
Can’t we just shoot the ceos and be done with it?
Eh, just do your best, and accept imperfection. You’re Hercules, not God. Try to do what good you can, when you can. Trying to perfectly optimize things simply leads to madness.
But dude. I can’t just sit around, drinking superjuice while bad deeds are committed all around. How shall I select? What to prioritize? Whom to save, whom to ignore? I can’t do it, this pressure! Can’t we just shoot the ceos and be done with it?
Eh, just do your best, and accept imperfection. You’re Hercules, not God. Try to do what good you can, when you can. Trying to perfectly optimize things simply leads to madness.