Where I was during Covid, a good number of people switched over to a sort of ‘foot-handshake’.
Basically both masked people stand facing each other, at handshake distance, and lightly tap their right feet into each other once, like a very gentle and minimized version of what would otherwise be a leg sweep in martial arts.
Either that or an ‘elbow-shake’, gently tap each other’s right elbows together at chest level, like a very minimized muay thai elbow strike.
Where I was during Covid, a good number of people switched over to a sort of ‘foot-handshake’.
Basically both masked people stand facing each other, at handshake distance, and lightly tap their right feet into each other once, like a very gentle and minimized version of what would otherwise be a leg sweep in martial arts.
Either that or an ‘elbow-shake’, gently tap each other’s right elbows together at chest level, like a very minimized muay thai elbow strike.