This has probably been asked before but I wanted to add another layer/an alternative.

So, I ask, where did your username/pseudonym/nickname originate from? What’s the meaning behind it?

Or alternatively, which is the most creative/interesting nickname origin you have come across?

  • stoy
    1 month ago

    My nickname was originally “Stoy On” but over time it got shortend to “Stoy”.

    “Stoy On” comes from a small Swedish comedy film by “Galenskaparna och After Shave”, a fantastic group of theatre actors who has had a very long and successfull carreer of comedy theatre, television and film. They specialized in musicals, with plenty of amazing wordplay and some fantastic songs.

    Anyway, the film I am talking about this time is the TV film “The Castle Tour”, the summary of it is that a group of Swedish tourists are going on a tour of a castle in Sweden, the guide has them confused with an English tour, and the joke is that the guide just speaks a nonsense language.

    Now, one of the nonsense pharses the guide used was “Stoy on!”, which is meant to mean “Se upp!” in Swedish, and that experssion has two meanings in Sweden, the normal one “Look out!”, and the litteral one “Look up!”

    At the same time I was getting annoyed at not having a standard nickname online and when gaming.

    And since I thought it was fun to have a nickname that meant “Look out!” in some ways, and I liked the sound of it, I adopted “Stoy On” as my standard nickname, and since it got shortend I mainly go by “Stoy” online, or, if it is taken, “Stoy On”.