look where all this “let’s be nice to the very fine people on the nazi side” and tolerance and patience and we’re not going to publish this article because it’ll hurt trump’s feelings has gotten us today. excuse me, but fuck that shit.
you can say i’m a bad person if that makes you feel better, but fuck trump, and fuck everyone who voted for this bullshit that everyone has to deal with now
Did I say that though? I don’t think I did… Not liking someone and not criticizing them because they are a bad person is not the same thing as wishing they were a better person… You can do those things at the same time…
No one said be nice to Nazi… You just want them not to be… And maybe if you can do something to help them. instead of you know wishing that they would suffer.
Especially when all of the wrong a lot of these people did was vote for someone because they were told lies about how things would be better…
yea, no.
look where all this “let’s be nice to the very fine people on the nazi side” and tolerance and patience and we’re not going to publish this article because it’ll hurt trump’s feelings has gotten us today. excuse me, but fuck that shit.
you can say i’m a bad person if that makes you feel better, but fuck trump, and fuck everyone who voted for this bullshit that everyone has to deal with now
Did I say that though? I don’t think I did… Not liking someone and not criticizing them because they are a bad person is not the same thing as wishing they were a better person… You can do those things at the same time…
No one said be nice to Nazi… You just want them not to be… And maybe if you can do something to help them. instead of you know wishing that they would suffer.
Especially when all of the wrong a lot of these people did was vote for someone because they were told lies about how things would be better…