how come this is more ‘fun’ than “bashing the action button”

What happens when you’re SCARED?

Nerves from the brain carry impulses to glands which produce adrenaline, released into the blood. Adrenaline causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase making us ready to run away quickly.

your body releases epinephrine, adrenalin, and that causes your heart rate to go up, causes your blood pressure to go up, causes your eyes to dilate. So these are all your body’s responses to some type of threat

this is counter-intuitive in TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION, as the goal is to wait not rush and run. you know if you get caught it’s all alarms all the time, and that makes you scared, you want to run from danger while you’re hiding behind the boxes; you never know if the man in yellow will check the other side; you’re scared, it’s fight or flight but you MUST REPRESS and DO REPRESS once you’ve mastered TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION; this repression creates an exciting inner turmoil that releases when you finally get to break from your hiding spot and ambush the man in yellow.

simply “BASHING THE ACTION BUTTON” does not achieve this level of chemical contradiction

  • pablo
    9 months ago

    That’s exactly it. The fun is in coming up with plans and being in the moment. A thing about MGS compared to MG is that, in MG, it is easier to deal with alarm states. you can usually just run to an elevator pretty easily and that will reset the alarm.

    the elevator might reset the alarms in MGS I’m not even sure because, in Solid, there aren’t preprogrammed screens like MG a’la Mega Man on NES type-stuff. So, whereas it is economical to run in MG, running to an elevator in Solid will probably kill you.

    An alert in Solid really feels like a Game Over. I have survived a few alerts, but its much better to just figure out the stealth path.