• wolf
    1 year ago

    What I would really like to see are the current numbers for RHEL: Does RHEL ‘lose’ money (= it is not sustainable) or does RHEL ‘not make enough profit for the investors’? In the later case, saying it is not sustainable is technically true but IMHO still misleading.

    IMHO it is also more complicated than everyone involved tries to make it seem: Of course I value having an enterprise Linux w/o juggling licenses. OTOH RHEL does real, hard work that is not fun and somebody has to be payed to take care of it. A lot of companies who profited and could have supported RHEL probably just freeloaded it (which is their ‘right’ given the GPL but still shitty behavior). Do I like RHELs behavior? Again, not really.

    tl;dr RHEL should show some numbers, that they are indeed unsustainable vs. not getting out enough money for their investors.