• Vlyn
    1 year ago

    Absolutely, but most of the time humans are very very similar. For example take the whole “fast metabolism” crap, the real difference is like 100-150 kcal a day. That’s one slice of toast pretty much.

    If you look at the past we didn’t have (much) artificial light. Humans were up during sunlight and went to bed when it got dark. With an hour or two of fucking in the middle of the night before sleeping again.

    Just based on biology it makes zero sense for someone to be a pure night owl (as in being mostly awake at night). A few hours of time shift? Sure, I can see that. But our main problem is modern living, artificial lights, too much stimulation in the evening, not enough movement, …

    If you cut someone off from all artificial light I’d bet you they’d go to bed earlier on their own.

      • Vlyn
        1 year ago

        I’m not saying they don’t exist, I’m saying that there’s plenty of people who aren’t genetically night owls, but still stay up late due to a modern lifestyle and then claim they are night owls.

        Our modern sleeping schedules are fucked between artificial light, caffeine, stress, day rythms based on a clock and not daylight, 24/7 entertainment and stimuli, …

        So just because someone tends to stay up late doesn’t mean they’re a genuine night owl.