I first pirated ksp over ten years ago. I loved the game so much I bought it and both dlc. Worth every cent.

I’ve been playing ever since then for the last decade. And you know what?

I’ve never once been to Mun. Or outside orbit for that matter.

I’ve spent the last ten years designing fighterjets and advanced AA ground defenses. Why? Because I love this game and I love how I can ignore the base game and just enjoy myself making explosions.

Maybe one day I’ll get bored. But it is not this day

  • Sai SomsphetOP
    1 year ago

    Damn I only understood about half of that. Listen, thanks, but I’m almost literally a monkey with a wrench here. I get the idea and concepts, I think, the eye ball tip works great for me, but the rest is a bit much for me to make any sense of.

    I’m not trying to insult myself either, I know I’m smart in other areas. I just have some learning disabilities that make the rocket science and the math to get wonky.