• rottingleaf
    8 months ago

    There’s no such thing as bad or good taste, when it’s limited to one’s choices.

    When you are calling your own taste good, or some other person’s taste good just because, and make it something social - that’ll always be bad taste.

    Yeah, and market doesn’t have anything to do with taste.

    About the photo - if not for that horrible floor, I’d like it. Should have made it solid dark gray.

    EDIT: LOL, I see a few people strongly disagree with the fact that it’s really bad taste to pretend that taste is not subjective.

    That’s actually the only thing determining “bad” and “good” taste - when the thing’s appearance clearly shows that the author thought their taste is “good” by association alone, like Disney Star Wars or maybe by imitating a style which is “good”.

    There are, of course, things like laws of composition and colors chosen etc, but these are still not objective and differ for various kinds of art.