As we know by now Microsoft are releasing four previously console exclusive games on PS4 & PS5. Pentiment, Hi-Fi RUSH, Grounded and Sea of Thieves will all launch on PlayStation over the next 2 months.

For Microsoft the move makes perfect sense. These are games that have run their course (sales wise) on Xbox and now they are testing if there is a decent amount of money to made by making them multi-platform titles.

Chances are they will make a healthy profit from these games which is likely to open the flood games for select older Xbox games to make the jump to PlayStation.

So should Sony follow suit?

I think they should and should start with a similar offering of 4 older PlayStation games to release on Xbox.

God of War
Horizon Zero Dawn
Ratchet & Clank

These are all games that are already available on PC so aren’t technically exclusive to PlayStation anymore.

So why not see if those games can find a new audience and make some extra cash for Sony by releasing them to the 25 million plus Xbox Series owners?

Like Xbox bringing games to PlayStation it can only be win everyone. Xbox players get more games to play and Sony generates extra revenue to invest in future games. There’s not really a down side I can see.

What do you think.

Would you like to see more people getting to experience Spider-Man or God of War?

    4 months ago

    lol Microsoft is only doing it because Sony murdered the absolute fuck out of them on sales. And that’s with a routinely sub-$300 “current gen” and an extremely lengthy launch window where Xbox had consoles available to buy and Sony didn’t. (Yes, Sony sold out because the demand was higher. But, there are a lot of people who play one game, or a small handful of games, that were on both consoles, and were easier to get an Xbox to play.) And even then they’re not exactly bringing over heavy hitters.

    I’m all for making games also available on PC. But supporting Xbox when they have a trash version you’re required to treat “equally” is asking a lot. I also want them leaning harder into the storage features, so definitely don’t want them building games with “it has to run on Xbox” in mind.