Lemmy.zip admin
Contact me via hello@lemmy.zip
Thanks, yes being able to help people tailor their experience in the easiest way possible is the goal 😊
Very glad you’re here, despite the barrier (and the apparent move to Europe 😉)
And thank you, very kind 😊
Thank you! I’m already mighty apprehensive about the lack of sleep 😅
Thanks, that’s very kind and I’m glad you’re happy here :)
ONI is quite unique, but you can get similar depending on which bit you enjoy. Base building would be games like prison architect, systems would be games like Stationeers. Factorio maybe?
FWIW I agree with you. The people who say they don’t support these tools come across as purists or virtue signallers.
I would agree with not having AI art* or music and sounds. In games I’ve played with it in, it sounds so out of place.
However support to make coding more accessible with the use of a tool shouldn’t be frowned upon. I wonder if people felt the same way when C was released, and they thought everyone should be an assembly programmer.
The irony is that most programmers were just googling and getting answers from stackoverflow, now they don’t even need to Google.
*unless the aim is procedurally generated games i guess, but if they’re using assets I get not using AI generated ones.
Thanks - took ages but looks like it worked!
Took 4 hours and 2 database wipes to get the migration to even start properly last night, but its turned out ok!
Should be working now, with any luck!
I was like oh, I’ll just sleep through this and when I wake up it’ll be done.
When I saw how little it had done, I became the living embodiment of the “my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined” meme.
The long term plan is to get things to be a bit quicker :)
HAI 1.2
A perfectly reasonable language. None of this Gen Z rubbish.
Something something better times. Shakes stick at sky.
How does it know about all of my tshirts?!
Well the stupid act makes it everyones problem 😅 Glad its solved (and was relatively easy too!)
I’d be interested in debugging this with you - in theory all the api/activity pub endpoints should be accessible as they’re bypassed, but not the ability to access the ui directly on a UK ip address.
It’s really hard to test this as there aren’t really any servers in the uk where they’re active/federation is working, so it would great to refine this.
That’s a poor take, steam doesn’t set the prices. They take a cut, sure, but so does every store. The dev/publisher sets the price.
Games aren’t too cheap, again the publishers set the price and I’m sure there’s plenty of research that goes into that.
Im not sure what you think steam are telling publishers to do? The only rules I’m familiar with are the consumer protection rules, and the not selling a steam key cheaper than they’re selling the game on steam.
I’m not sure what part of what you’ve mentioned is therefore a harm to the publishers? Where publishers sell their games for maximum sales is going to be based on where the users are. If another company wanted to change this then they need to focus on what makes the consumer go there. Epics idea to lock publishers into their store with big wads of cash is what is actually harmful to the pc market (and didn’t work anyway).
As others have pointed out, competition here is usually dictated by shareholders which means the end user is exploited for maximum profit. One of the reason steam is so successful is that they don’t have this problem.
It’s also a plus for me too.
Alphabetti Spaghetti
I make no apologies.
Oh no! I have a horrific cold at the moment. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Hey, you can use our tesseract front end (t.lemmy.zip) and it has keyword filtering built in :)
Can’t be done in the default UI unfortunately without using third party tools