Is it terminal? /joke

Ok, but real talk, having gym buddies and a gym where people talk to each other, a sex life with fwbs that are actually friendly, and getting exercise has all added up to making me not?!? Depressed?!?! For the first time in at least a decade. I’m tapering my anti depressants, and it’s still okay so far (I might stick with my current lower dose for a while).

I feel unleashed. I feel type-A. I feel like I can actually achieve something if I put in daily effort. I have a fucking to-do list and I’m checking shit off DAILY.

ADHD meds are helping more in combination with having a workout routine. I’m noticeably less effective without it, but I’m being prescribed so I have plenty.

But also, like… I’m shooting the shit with people better than I ever have, getting peoples numbers and making plans to hang out (might fuck around and go for a hike with a new gym buddy this weekend).

I feel good randomly right now (hard conditioning workout and a big meal in the last 4 hours). That never fucking happened last year.

Exercise and community, folks, can’t recommend it enough.