Pornhub and two other adult sites are suing the European Union over a landmark digital content law, the Digital Services Act, which imposes age verification and other obligations on large platforms. The European Commission last year named Pornhub, Xvideos and Stripchat as a category of “very large online platform” under the act, which includes obligations such as age verification measures for minors and creating a library of adverts published on their sites. Companies that fall foul of the law can be fined up to six percent of their global turnover. This lawsuit follows similar legal challenges by online retailers Amazon and Zalando.

  • Dudewitbow
    1 year ago

    basically the only way it would ever remotely work is if countries adopted the south korean method of identy. they have a kssn used for basic identity purposes, and a seperate id for tax/money related purposes. if a country has both as the same ID, it becomes MAJOR liability if a company had leaked the number. having seperate identity and financial numbers removes the financial risk if the identity value was leaked.

    although of course, it removes privacy as the government now can track users (e. g how korea tracks children’s game playing time online, as a KSSN is required to register to play)