And laws only matter if they’re enforced. Let’s hope they do.
Laws? Enforced? Against rich people? Against politicians? So naive this one…
I do hope I’m proven wrong…
I do hope you are
It’s too late. Now they’re going to say they can’t prosecute during an election or it’ll unfairly affect the outcome, and then when he wins he gains immunity. They’ve had 4 years to get even a single conviction out of 91 charges, and they haven’t even started a single trial. They’re afraid of setting precedent of prosecuting politicians because they don’t want to give up their own self-appointed immunity, so they let the SCOTUS decide, and SCOTUS is a partisan hack-job right now (and probably for the rest of our lives).
Goodbye tattered democracy, hello blooming dictatorship
Its a dog and pony show
Can’t Americans do something to change the way elections happen? I still think 81 is too old to run as a politician let alone a president. People say America is one of the greatest democracies but I’m really not seeing it.
Also no offence guys, I’m not into politics. Just a layman question.
The TL;DR of it is that the people with the power to change that are the same people who benefit from it the most and therefore whose best interests are to prevent it from changing.
And America is the greatest democracy in the same way that corporations find that they did nothing wrong upon investigating themselves.
Technically yes, but no, not really.
America is one of the greatest democracies but I’m really not seeing it.
We’re not a great democracy at all. We’re a world power. Big difference. World Powers have this weird history of being shit governments. Ask Russia and China sometime
Or, as Republicans would remind you, we’ve never been a Democracy at all, but a Republic.
We aren’t the greatest democracy. The only choice we have is some state ballots and representatives from a 2 party system. It takes decades to get things passed that 70% of Americans want. The largest predictor of something getting passed is if rich donors want it.
In a technical sense, yes. In a practical sense, no.
People say America is one of the greatest democracies but I’m really not seeing it.
As an American, I can tell you it’s a shitty democracy. Politicians are openly bribed in the form of “lobbying” by corporate interests and the rich. Its a two party system thanks to having FPTP voting everywhere.
Any given legislation has a 30% chance of getting approved regardless of public support, unless said legislation is supported by the rich, then it’s far closer to 100% chance.
America is is on the fence post with outright fascism on one side, and milquetoast flawed democracy on the other.
The louder and more often a politician proclaims some great quality, the less true it is.
America, with it’s voting system designed by landowners to mathematically create a power duopoly, is at best straddling the boundary between Democracy and Dictatorship, which is why you end up with situations like this, were all there is two anti-choices (“vote me ´cause I ain’t him”), somewhat better than what’s going on in Russia but far from good enough.
All that harping about Greatest Democracy In The World TM is pure compensation.
They thought, “We don’t want tyranny if the majority!”
But then we ended up with tyranny of the minority, and that’s worse!
Maybe, but it’s hard. It would take a Constitutional amendment.
A Constitutional amendment is even harder!
Can’t Americans do something to change the way elections happen?
Yes but they are too brainwashed into thinking they must vote either red or blue to save the country
It’s the disproportionate electoral system. A serious third candidate would “spoil” the vote of one party, and then you just hand the win to the other side.
No, it isn’t. That’s the brainwashing part. Americans believe it so they keep voting for people they don’t like, keeping the status quo. Everyone you talk to is like “I’d vote third party, but the System”. If all the people that want to, voted third party, neither of them would stand a chance. But defeatism got into US citizens almost as much as people in Russia.
I mean, that is literally what happened to get us 8 years of W Bush, and the Iraq and Afghan wars. Versus Gore, who was at least running on a platform with heavy focus on things like climate change.
Gore won the election. The media, and then the Supreme Court, insidiously handed it to W Bush.
Mathematically, with our first past the post, and the Electoral College, we are deadlocked into the two party system.
The only remedy will be to change both of those things. But until then you can make one of the following choices, depending on your political leaning:
- Liberal, vote for Biden. Good for Biden.
- Conservative, vote for Trump. Good for Trump.
- Liberal, don’t vote for Biden. Good for Trump.
- Conservative, don’t vote for Trump. Good for Biden.
If there are other logical possibilities, is be interested to hear.
A third party would spoil corrupted red and blue ambitions because as soon as they see a drop in their votes they go in panic mode and they have to change their policies to actually appeal people.
Republicans were (are?) a huge backer for the Green party because a strong Green candidate guarantees a Republican win.
Our democracy is a great democracy the way an antique car is a great car: great in its time, but it’s time for an upgrade.
I really don’t understand the age argument. One is 81 and the other 77. Like am to to european to understand the logic of freedomlanders in criticizing Biden for his age??
Yeah, you are. You can criticize a Democrat for anything. Republicans are above reproach.
Obama was criticized on national news for wearing a tan suit. Trump bragged about being able to kill someone on the streets of New York and not lose a vote - to zero criticism. The man has horny audio about being able to walk through the dressing rooms of minors at a competition he ran and anyone who criticizes him for that is seen as too “partisan”.
So yeah. It’s not about 4 years difference. Trump could be 90, and his side would still criticize Biden for being too old while running Trump for president.
Having 91 criminal charges ahead of you don’t matter if you become president and pardon yourself.
Don’t forget to vote, please. Saying this as a non US citizen who is just tired of US shenanigans. please don’t let Trump become president again
He can’t pardon himself from the State charges. He can however create a Constitutional Crisis for 4 years where nobody is quite sure if they can prosecute or jail him or not.
I can reiterate that here from australia.
All this extremist bigoted pro-gun anti-education right wing bs is spreading to countries like Australia too. He has made idiots proud to be idiots, and encouraged them to be anti-science
They don’t mean anything if he loses either. I don’t think Democrates will let Trump not be a Republican nominee, it would be harder for them to win elections if they have someone more sane as competition. This is why Hilary’s campaign supported Trump and why Trump is there in the first place, so they can win more easily.
I like Biden and the Democrats because government is boring with them. Like, he’s not gonna threaten to nuke a hurricane, or draw on a damn map with a sharpie.
I’ve experienced enough to know that boring government is the best we can hope for. And, honestly, it’s what I’d really like at this point.
We shouldn’t feel so easily defeated. We can make things better, being passive is what makes it easier for those in power to make it worse. We can make things a lot better, we don’t need to be ok with genocide so that some idiot that Democrates funded to be Republican candidate doesn’t win. I just kinda feel like their plan to make us submissive actually worked.
91 criminal charges don’t mean shit when the government refuses to prosecute, and let’s you slide right into the most powerful position in the country, where you’ll receive complete immunity.
> Charges 91 felony counts
> some idiot on Lemmy says you aren’t charging anything
Did you not understand the point I was making? Leveling charges don’t mean anything when they’re not actually prosecuted. It has been 4 years. He’s running for a position that will grant him complete immunity if he wins. None of those charges will mean anything at all if he becomes president again. He has faced effectively zero consequences for his blatant disregard of the law, his violations of the Constitution, his insurrection, and his treason.
> is being actively prosecuted
> some idiot on lemmy says he’s not being actively prosecuted
The trials haven’t commenced. If he wins the election they will never conclude and there will be no prosecution. Calling me an idiot doesn’t change the facts.
What do you think criminal charges are?
He’s literally being prosecuted for 91 felonies by governments at the state and federal level.
Yeah we really need to get rid of all of that due process stuff and throw people in prison based on how we feel.
Though it’s possible there may be some flaws in having an authoritarian government that has that power.
criminal charges
Thats due process… we can argue about how long prosecution has taken given the overwhelming evidence for a trial, but I don’t think there’s much an arguement that the one with criminal charges wouldn’t want to do away with due process, he’s quite literally stated such.
The excessive delay is my and many other people’s issue. It seems as if they’re hoping something else like his death or election will prevent them from having to set the precedent of a former president getting convicted of a crime. I would never recommend we forego due process.
Its brain-numbing to think there’s people who think the criminal cases are “opinions getting in the way of politics” and disregard entirely the poltical process… while asserting their own opinions onto how the law should work. In a way I think that’s how trump has pushed the envelope so far, Im personally in disbelief that his case wasnt closed ehh maybe 2 years ago, especially in the optics of “being too close to the election”
Anyway that’s my rant, I will go ahead and wish for politcal peace for the all of us
Definitely not, but they do need to actually start the trials in less than half a decade.
Yeah due process takes time. If we did away with all the appeals available to him he’d already be on trial. But you can’t eliminate the appeals process for Trump without eliminating it for everyone.
Appeals come after conviction, not before trial starts.
Right now the DC case is on hold because Trump is appealing to the Supreme court over the Presidential immunity thing.
And there have been many appeals before the other trials Trump is facing.
Oh yeah, those appeals. He’s going to do everything he can to delay the start of a trial, and then the trials themselves. That’s a given. If he wins the presidential race before a conviction then he’s Scott free. That’s why me and so many other people are frustrated with how slowly the entire process is taking. The amount of elapsed time is excessive, and it seems like they’re trying to punt the actual trials down the road, hoping he dies or wins the Whitehouse so they don’t have to set the precedent of a former president being convicted of a crime.
I suspect your sarcasm didn’t land.
You make a good point, though, that the process is already long, and that with enough money it seems it can dragged out even longer.
But the alternative, if we rushed through the prices and gave the conservatives the ability to do so every time in return, would be horrific.
That’s what I got from your post and, if I read it right, I think it was spot-on. I’d let 100 Trumps free than let them kangaroo-convict everyone else forever.
What i dont get about Biden running again is that there seemed to be like no democratic race to the candidacy? Or did it just completely fall flat in international media? I know Trump went late to the Reps race and then dominated it, but there was already Cruz and some candidates that tried to win on a “Trump is best” kinda position.
But for the Dems there seemed to be not even a real discussion to send anyone but Biden.
How can people be fine with this? How can the “best” both parties have to offer be more or less mentally unstable men that are clearly too old to lead a country and have a realistic chance of dying in office? How come the Dems have not understood after 2016 and 2020 that they need to stop being a right wing neoliberal party that fucks over poor people just slightly slower than the Reps?
Because it is between absurdly rare and unprecedented for a sitting president running for a second term to not get the given the significant advantage an incumbent possesses. The party not standing by the practical and spiritual leader of the party would have been taken by most amaricans as surefire evidence that the party had discovered a scandal about his so massive and overwhelming it put everything Trump ever did to shame.
While the primaries were and are an excellent place to put pressure on the sitting president to actually do something, their outcome was a forgone conclusion unless Amarican voters cared a whole lot more about Palestine than they actually do, as that was the primary thing that changed between 2020 and 2024 where Biden’s perspective has an impact. Practically, the time to find a better candidate are 2019 and 2027, the mid presidency elections are a time to push the president to fulfill more campaign promises. Something that is more difficult when the legislature is controlled by obstructionists who are publicly committed to blocking everything they possibly can until they have complete control.
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Business as usual neoliberalism is the last thing you need in the face of a climate breakdown and rising fascism.
How come the Dems have not understood after 2016 and 2020 that they need to stop being a right wing neoliberal party that fucks over poor people just slightly slower than the Reps?
That’s exactly what they want to be. Politicians and billionares don’t give a fuck about poor people, they are in for profits. As long as red and blue keep winning the elections they aren’t going to change anything, why they should? They always win…
I mean I’m not.
Going into this we was that it’s best to just go with the incumbent. Then when we saw how weak and shitty the incumbent was doing we’re being told it’s too late and we already have a candidate.
The DNC is maybe one of the least democratic institutions in a western democracy. It’s ridiculous to not consider primaries a fundamental part of the process, but then the apologists come out and defend them as private institutions that cand o whatever they want. They rat fucked Bernie, twice, and we just keep getting told we better vote right or else we get the hose again.
They out progressive policies on the platform but it’s only lip service. They simply don’t pursue them once elected. Even worse they take our donations and fund Republican candidates to further rat fuck progressives.
Running against Biden meant throwing out the biggest indicator for success against a “worst case scenario” opposition candidate. Incumbency is worth all the young guns waiting 4 years for their shot. Despite what you may have heard, nobody in DNC is more likely to win 2024 than Biden despite all the baggage and Republican hate.
Again, Biden is 81 years old. Talking about “young guns” seems a bit off, when the next generation is like in their 50s and 60s, which is more of the usual age for country running politicians.
It is perfectly expected for Biden to simply die of old age or become permanently disabled in office, because that is what people in their 80s do. One bad cold and it could be over for him. That is an insane risk to take for a nation like the US. And just because the republicans are insane fascists, the democrats shouldn’t be trying to meet them in insanity.
Again, Biden is 81 years old. Talking about “young guns” seems a bit off, when the next generation is like in their 50s and 60s, which is more of the usual age for country running politicians.
Seems irrelevant what category “young guns” represents.
It is perfectly expected for Biden to simply die of old age or become permanently disabled in office, because that is what people in their 80s do
And this is why Biden wanted to be a 1-term president, but Trump of all people making it to the general in 2024 made it impossible for him not to run for re-election.
That is an insane risk to take for a nation like the US
Letting the president who got people to drink bleach have any leg-up in the election is a far more insane risk. His (note, not actually just his) Project 2025 plan involves a national abortion ban, reapportioning Congress towards republican seats, reversing gay marriage, betraying NATO, redefinition of the US as a Christian Nation, dismantling of all climate policies, expanding presidential power to be more absolute, and arguably ending Democracy in the US as we know it. Anyone who even pretends the last part of that is hyperbole has to at least admit it would be one of the most reactionary lunge-to-the-right-and-remove-rights initiatives we’ve seen in the last century, with no real Western comparisons.
Let’s say it together. Better an 81 year old politician than an actual fascist coup.
A sitting president will get the nomination 99% of the time and typically runs essentially unopposed in the primaries.
Do you mean back in 2019 during those primaries? Biden absolutely had others he ran against, but the DNC did rig it for him in a way. There were two candidates that were seen as progressive, which were Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Warren tanked her chances when she started attacking Bernie and even hiring Hillary’s old campaign manager. Everyone started calling her a snake. Bernie became the defacto progressive. On the moderate side, there were a bunch of candidates including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttegiege, and I’m sure others that I can’t remember. Because the moderate vote was split between so many candidates, Bernie was wiping the floor with them. Then Biden had one good state in South Carolina. Suddenly (as if told to), all the other moderate candidates dropped from the race, and Biden became the front runner.
This time around, the DNC rigged the primaries as best they could to favor Biden. The biggest thing they did was make South Carolina the first official primary. Biden didn’t have any real competition and easily won even in states where he wasn’t on the ballot he won as a write-in.
On top of all this, the DNC also has “super delegates” that aren’t chosen at all by the electorate and are specifically there to influence the primaries towards the candidate the DNC wants.
So, yes, the game is very rigged.
Warren tanked her chances when she started attacking Bernie
You mean when she was hit by months of Bernie-sourced “grassroots” attacks and took the high ground, only to have an actual conversation brought up by the media and Bernie outright denying it to the extent they managed to hot-mic her offense.
She didn’t crash because she attacked Bernie. She crashed because she was a woman who was seen genuinely angry and offended by a much more capable dirty-fighting career politician. I HATE Bernie as a person and the way his ambition ruined the only real chance we had at a progressive White House, but after years I can admit he could have backstabbed his way into the White House if the winds had gone a little differently for him. She crashed because she’s an honest policymaker, and they never make it to the Presidency.
Everyone started calling her a snake
And Pocahontas and a bunch of other shit. Nobody likes a smart women. We didn’t deserve someone as good as Warren. So we got Biden. And since Trump is running again, we have no choice but to get Biden again.
DNC also has “super delegates”
FYI, the super-delegate system was gutted in 2020 because of the appearance of impropriety in 2016. Superdelegates are powerless now unless the convention becomes contested (which it was not in 2020).
not a fan of either, and I agree
What’s not to like about puppies?
you know, that puppy might be a better candidate than what we have right now
Almost anyone would be a better candidate then those two. I think if you take a random American and place them as candidate, they would be a better president. It really says something to have a system that selects the worst possible people in power.
I gotta ask the “I’m not a fan of Biden” crowd. Why? And not who he is, or what he hasn’t done. What’s something you don’t like that he has done in this presidency, and then hasn’t tried to correct?
I would then ask, did you watch the entire State of the Union?
He keeps supplying Israel with weapons. He didn’t challenge the government and fully cancel student loans. Marijuana isn’t legalized yet. He hasn’t changed tax cuts. He Essentially moved the whole democratic party right on the border and immigrants. He originally was suppose to be a one term president.
OK but US military support for Israel hasn’t dropped below $3,000,000,000 since 1975 (source: )
Why aren’t you mad at Trump for militarily supporting Israel? Why aren’t you upset at Obama? Why no anger for Bush? Was Clinton’s sax solo THAT good? What about Bush, Reagan, Carter and Ford? ALL of them, without exception, have supplied weapons to Israel.
None of them are actively president.
Nor were any of them so during such a globally recognised instance of genocide. Many people have been disliking the US for supporting Israel for so long, but its gone from apartheid South Africa to Nazi Germany in the past few months, so the reaction and need for adequate response from the US is far higher than under previous presidents.
I was upset at our military funding under Obama and Trump also. I Couldn’t do anything about Bush, Clinton and half of Obama since they don’t let children vote even though I had to be an adult for 2 years under Obama’s reign with no representation. 80% of America’s military budget could be cut if not more. I have been against Israel funding since 2008 despite being 16. I have been against the military industrial complex since then too.
Previous presidents hold no power right now. I have no choice but to vote democratic if I don’t want people to lose rights in my state. I am lucky I can vote 3rd party against Biden and not worry that Trump will win my state. So I can at least protest vote a little bit.
To be sure, none of us really know what it’s like to be in the office of president, but I would be surprised if a current sitting president had any power over the military industrial complex either. The office isn’t as powerful as many people like to think.
If its so ineffective, why are people scared of Trump getting it?
The position wields a lot of power, its just being used to enable the harmful status quo currently.
Like Biden could literally solve so much of the problems from the war on drugs, but he doesnt act. Its not a powerless position, its a weak president.
People are scared of Trump not leaving. Biden issued a bunch of orders that undid a bunch of Trump’s orders pretty much as soon as he got into office. Anything a president orders can be unordered by the next president. Presidential orders are not a silver bullet, they’re limited and can be undone as easily as they’re done. Considering there is a lot of budget money spent on military programs that congress doesn’t even know about, it’s not as easy to shut down as you people seem to think.
Trump has proven 0 respect for democracy or process, and went so far as to post his manifesto on his campaign website under the title “Project 2025”.
I don’t know maybe the support of an active ongoing mass cleansing operation might have something to do with it?
It’s so bad you have child-fucker conservatives saying “too far” and these are the people who get off to children suffering.
He Essentially moved the whole democratic party right on the border and immigrants
While I agree, it is with regret I have to inform you that those of us who want immigration reform are a minority in the Democratic party at this time :-/
He originally was suppose to be a one term president.
In fairness, he would have been if it weren’t for Trump running in 2024. I think EVERYONE was sure Trump would be forgotten in his jail cell by now with the combination of his blatent criminal activity alongside the fact the GOP really wanted to get rid of him anyway.
Doesn’t mean we couldn’t run anyone else. Like we could have propped up someone to run for the last 2 years so we can get them to run instead of Biden
Doesn’t mean we couldn’t run anyone else
Sure, if we really want to take the biggest gamble of our lives surrendering the incumbent advantage to someone who technically might have an incumbent advantage of his own.
Lifelong blue-voter. Watched the SotU. He did a good job and certainly shut down the age argument a bit. I would still prefer to see younger candidates - I think Biden is out of touch.
My thoughts are that we just haven’t made any progress on issues that affect the largest demographics of the population. A couple off the top of my head:
- Corporate greed is driving inflation for food and homes while wages have stagnated.
- College is prohibitively expensive and student loans are predatory (even federal loans). We are robbing our youth of a future.
- Gun control progress is basically non existent despite more school shootings.
A lot of my feelings can be summed up as the middle class is being squeezed too hard. We need more money or less expenses (school, healthcare, childcare, mortgage, rent, food, etc). I don’t see Biden doing anything here except ask nicely “pretty please snack companies stop gouging us” during the Superbowl. I also feel very gaslit because every day I see articles and press releases claiming how great the economy is, but my eyes and ears tell a very different story.
Maybe Biden can’t fix these things without a functional Congress but I wish Dems wouldn’t lie and instead give us a real plan to fix the country. It’s really hard to get excited about voting blue when all we see is more aid for Israel and corporations instead of the people.
Unfortunately, with Republicans voting overwhelmingly even against bills they want with the goal of shutting down Democrats at every turn, there’s no such thing as a plan to fix the country until the Republican manacles are removed.
But that’s hard to say eloquently, especially with a trailer trash MTG in her MAGA hat screaming “boooooo” at you.
There’s a lot of things Biden could do with presidential power, they could be attempted to be struck down by congress but at least do it and implement it, and then point out that the Republicans are trying to take it away.
There’s a lot of things Biden could do with presidential power
And that’s their proclaimed defense. They don’t want to pass a law when he could hypothetically use his executive power instead.
but at least do it and implement it,
A good executive does not use unilateral powers on contentious issues when Congress is in a position to vote for it. Unlike some issues, since this is something Republicans want more than Democrats, it would be downright reckless for Biden to do so in this case, both in terms of political maneuvers AND in terms of actually solving any problems.
This is literally Republicans trying to make Biden look bad for his own sake, and Biden doing the right thing and letting legislatures finish what they started, even if finishing involves a lack of agreement.
…since when are we begging for Executive Orders?
When congress literally doesn’t do shit and the dem party supposedly wants people to keep voting for democrats.
Because I’m tired and cynical. He’s a career politician who’s always saying what he needs to say to stay in office at the time, but often ages poorly given enough time, example two. He’s being praised for his economic policy, but all that means to me is more consumption and pollution.
I’m also cynical that any politician could get elected on an effective climate change platform as that would be the voting public would have to give up too much shit they were brainwashed into believed that they deserve.
Did I watch the State of the Union? Have you seen the CO2 concentration levels? Speeches are theater.
just talked to a 20 yo dude about this who stumbled on a ‘trump destroys cnn reporter’ yt short and thought ‘well when he talks like this he’s not not that unlikable’.
Basically he drank the koolaid. biden is a pedophile bc he sniffs hair, he’s old and senile, and like he said about the short, trump sometimes makes sense.
I was flabbergasted. He’s from a conservative family, but falling for obvious cut together propaganda clips like that is just shameful. At least he’s usually trying to form rational thoughts. However, I’m afraid that might be indicative of the social media news syndrome.
When Trump was office liberals were up in arms ready to smash fascism. Biden came along and now they’re sitting comfortably at brunch while their government is literally funding and complicit in genocide. There is literally less suffering in the world when white people are the ones suffering, that’s just an objective fact. In a perfect world we wouldn’t have fascism at all but it may as well point at the people who actually deserve it. Alternatively they can get their shits in order and actually resist the evil of their own party but that will literally never happen.
Right now we have “Fascism at white people, or fascism at black people” and all the white people are all crying “AT BLACK PEOPLE!!!”
ahhh you’re a trumper. That explains a lot.
I’m a fan of Biden and agree, it’s 100% true.
Are you aware that the government this guy is ceo of is supporting and aiding israel in a genocide where dozen of children get murdered daily?
He’s preventing a genocide
That’s not true, usa is backing the genocide in gaza
No. The US is backing defense of Israeli civilians from Hamas terrorists.–Hamas_war#By_the_Israeli_government
USA is backing israel government
"Following the eruption of the Israel–Hamas war, the United States began to send warships and military aircraft into the Eastern Mediterranean and supplying Israel with ammunition and military equipment.
The US stated that Israel would receive “whatever it needs” to support a counteroffensive against the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. It also promised more military aid to Israel. On 20 October, President Biden announced that he had asked Congress for $14 billion in additional aid."–Hamas_war
It’s not Biden’s fault that the leader of Israel is a far right psychopath. The Israeli people still deserve protection from Hamas and Iranian terrorists.
It’s not Biden’s fault that the leader of Israel is a far right psychopath.
His fault is supporting and aiding a far right psychopath in a genocide. It has been said left and right that the indiscriminate bombing of gaza will only breed more terrorist extremists.
List of civilian children being murdered by the IDF right now:
Fuck off with your genocide denial.
Without Joe Biden standing in the way, deranged RW scumbag Netanyahu would be free to complete the job, as his pal trump has stated.
I DO NOT deny what Hamas and Netanyahu have done, or what they are doing now. And I also know that the plan for the Netanyahu regime is to stay in power and assist in getting trump elected so that he will be completely untethered. PLEASE break free from the kremlin/RW narratives and see what’s going on here. (The downvote was for telling me to fuck off and calling me a genocide denier)
It’s genocide denial because you’re downplaying the absolute murderfest that’s going on right now and calling it russian propaganda.
Surely you can see how absolutely disgusting that is, right? Right?? Or are you one of those respectability nazis whose totally OK with genocide as long as you’re polite about it. Don’t answer, I already know because you lot are a dime a dozen.
I’m NOT downplaying it. The campaign to blame Biden for it all instead of Hamas/Netanyahu IS INDEED a russian active measure. Helping trump by pushing BS about Biden will certainly and ultimately assist Netanyahu and Hamas (and Putin) Stop being a useful idiot for the Kremlin.
blame Biden for it all instead of Hamas
Ok yeah that’s a step too far, if you genuinely think that fighting back against an illegal occupation makes you responsible for a genocide you are literally a nazi. You would have supported hiltler. I want nothing to do with you.
Not gonna lie, Biden cooked with this one
Lol the puppies and ice cream kill me
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When the whole herd is thinking a certain way, hating a certain person, repeating the same arguments. That’s a sure sign that they are under the control of a mob mentality and/or a propaganda campaign. Which is a good argument for swiftly nopeing in the opposite direction.
I tried the contrarian route for a while and found myself wrong the overwhelming majority of the time. I actually had panic attacks over it. Then I swapped to being contrarian to the contrarians and settled into a proper mental state. Which is to say… maybe don’t develop a paranoid god complex and assess the facts as they are and deal with them in the capacity that you’re able.
You are accusing me of being merely contrarian and suffering from a paranoid god complex.
Gee, thanks.
Are you saying that you would rather vote for Trump because the majority of people prefer Biden?
What he’s saying is that he’s seeing overwhelming evidence that Trump is a past, present and future danger. He’s seeing tons of people agreeing with that evidence.
He’s, in his infinite wisdom, come to the conclusion that he should ignore the evidence and vote directly against it.
You know. A moron.
They are supporting a genocide right now where thousand of kids got murdered already. They are no less of a criminal than any other presidents before him or any other red and blue colleague.
Some of these people still think Biden is going to get a ceasefire…
It’s crazy how true this is yet you get downvoted for recognizing failing policies and actions. Are people really this tribal?
The government spend billions on propaganda people are brainwashed
Nah the fed is all over this shit
Nah people are just smart enough to see that the Kremlin is using Israel’s genocidal war as a wedge to get young people to not vote for Biden. Not because they give a flying fuck about all the innocent dead people, but because they want their asset to win so they can continue their genocidal land grab in Ukraine.
Nah people are just smart enough to see that the Kremlin is using Israel’s genocidal war as a wedge to get young people to not vote for Biden.
How exactly are they doing that? USA government and its ceo are supporting the genocide what does this have to do with russia?
Kremlin propaganda on US social media blaming Biden for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. They’re specifically targeting younger voters, trying to make them angry at Biden so they don’t vote.
Biden is the ceo of usa government which is supporting israel directly in a genocide.–Hamas_war
putin explicitly said he hopes joe biden wins
You believe him?
He also said that he’s not a dictator, that Russia is a democratic country, that there’s no war in Ukraine and a whole bunch of other garbage.
do you have any proof of this?
No. I don’t know how I could get proof without access to Kremlin records.
I don’t think anyone is funding anything on lemmy, we are too small of a userbase. And in other media, I am sure that every politician who has an interest will use any oprotunity for their advantage, however we shouldn’t forget the fact that this is actually the case. Biden is actually sidesteping congress to send support to Israel, in fact, without it, Israel would have no chance in actually doing it. US government is fully funding this genocide.
100% on the money
Some of the funniest shit about modern day US politics is the constant fear mongering about foreign powers interfering with elections and riling up Americans to feel angry and disenfranchised with our own government. As if our own government wasn’t doing enough to piss us off so it must be the fucking Russians at it. Americans who pay attention have plenty of reasons to hate our country and the people and systems that govern it, and it’s getting harder and harder these days to avoid paying it attention. We don’t need help from foreign agents to get there. This country does it to itself.
Or people have morals? Weird.
Seeing things as black and white is often a sign of inability to understand the complexities of a situation.
The irony of saying that while defending genocide is truly wild.
I’m not defending genocide, are you trying to debate me or your imagination?