Six-Gun Tarot is a good Weird Western, but the author crams a lot into this world. The sheriff is undead (possibly immortal), the deputy is possibly a werewolf, and there’s a talking head in a jar. But those are just the characters. The actual plot is about the Lovecraftian Old One starting to wake up under the town.

Given how much goes on in this novel, I’m surprised it all fit together as well as it did. Although personally, I don’t like cramming this many fantastical elements into a single story with no overarching reason. There is no “a portal to hell opened, so this happened” or “we’ve discovered a magical elixir which does ____”, the author just threw whatever he wanted into it. A talking head in a jar? Sure, why not, that’ll go great with this Lovecraftian horror.

I don’t want to sound too critical, I did like this book, I’m just more of a “hard magic” type of person than a “soft magic” type of person. So I struggle with throwing everything into the world with no rhyme or reason. I still think this book is plenty of fun though if you can just roll with whatever happens in a story.

There are 4 books in this series, although I should admit I’ve only read the first one.