Empire of the Vampire is fantastic.
I’m glad I asked then, thanks!
Here are my thoughts on it: https://lemmy.zip/post/30605437
My obsession with vampires is a relatively recent thing. It was only when I tried finding a list of good vampire games that I learned VtM: Bloodlines is basically treated as the gold standard of all vampire games. Clearly I am missing out. I worry the gameplay will be clunky with it being such an old game but it sounds like I need to at least give it a try. Next time it goes on sale on steam I’ll definitely buy it. Thanks!
Well that sounds thoroughly ridiculous… thanks for the recommendation!
Ooo, neat! I only recently learned that Vampire Hunter D was originally a series of novels (not manga, like I had assumed). I’m actually working my way through the audiobooks now.
I tried making a post earlier asking about whether the Legacy of Kain remakes are any good. I don’t have any nostalgia for them so I don’t know if these remasters are updated enough that I could enjoy them or if I’d just find them clunky and annoying. I’ve heard great things about the story though, so I’m tempted.
I’m honored! …I also can’t possibly live up to those expectations.
That’s how I feel about the Resident Evil movies. I think I can remember the plot to the first two but there are 6 movies in that series. I know I’ve seen all of them but I have no clue what happens in each or if there’s a coherent storyline through the whole thing.
Having Resident Evil movies and Underworld movies coming out at the same time made it hard to keep them straight.
I can’t believe I’d never heard of this… While writing my rant, I came across the wiki page for Underworld: Endless War. Apparently in 2011 they made three animated short films set in the Underworld universe. They’re each only 5 minutes long and are short stories about Selene hunting down three lycan brothers over the course of a century. They aren’t great, but I’m mostly surprised I’d never heard of them. Thanks to the internet, you can watch all of them here.
Oh we’ll get there! I’ll make a post about the Blade trilogy soon enough.
Oh come on, you can’t just say that without posting the video! Now I’ve got the song stuck in my head…
I can only count to four
I can’t believe I watched Fright Night from both 1985 and 2011 without ever seeing any mention of a Fright Night 2.
And apparently there’s another Fright Night 2 from 2013? https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2486630/
I guess I’ve got some more movies to watch, thanks!
There’s a Fright Night 2?? How was I not aware of this?!? I’ll definitely be watching it.
Thanks for the insight!
I actually tried signing up for a 7 day free trial with Shudder for the sole purpose of watching this movie and it turns out the movie isn’t actually available to watch once you’re signed in. The page displayed when you’re not signed in has a play button but the movie isn’t actually available. Really irritating. I cancelled my free trial after about 10 minutes…
Haha, exactly the response I was looking for!
Thank you! That’s exactly the type of information I was looking for!
I’ve never seen Shiki before, what’s it about? Why is it so good?
Blindsight has a sequel, right? Do you need to read both novels to get the full story?