Finally, around 2023, the legal cannabis frontier pushed even further. Enterprising vendors realized that Congress had banned cannabis “flower” containing more than 0.3 percent of delta-9 THC — but that even intoxicating cannabis doesn’t contain delta-9 dHC.

Instead, it contains delta-9 THCa — or tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, a chemical that is non-intoxicating unless exposed to heat, at which point it is converted to intoxicating THC. (That’s why simply eating marijuana doesn’t get the consumer high.)

Therefore, based on a strict reading of the 2018 Farm Bill, Congress hadn’t just legalized the growth of hemp fibers — it had legalized smokable, intoxicating cannabis, which was legal up until the point that the purchaser lit it on fire.

As one online vendor notes, “THCa is completely legal across the U.S. It contains less than 0.3 percent Delta-9 THC, which according to the DEA, makes it federally legal.”


  • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
    11 months ago

    just to help me understand, alcohol then is considered toxic cuz it’s like literally poison right?

    in small doses alcohol still kills cells and whatnot, whereas the distinction you’re making is saying marijuana or thc in any form (that anyone is realistically gonna find it in) is not ‘intoxicating’ and rather when people use the word intoxicating they may be referring to how one is not ‘sober’ after consuming thc but it’s a misnomer to and erroneous to think thc is actually ‘intoxicating’

    did i kinda get that right?