Every year, millions of donated food boxes, known as “Ramadan cartons,” are distributed across Egypt throughout the month, circulated from individuals to small charitable organizations to large entities, including government bodies.

Ramadan boxes represent the informal social version of in-kind support, after government-provided in-kind support was replaced by cash transfers in 2014 in line with the adoption of austerity policies.

However, in the same way that official in-kind food assistance disappeared, this informal version may face a similar fate amid exceptional inflation rates.

The surge in food inflation rates, particularly in recent months, has deeply impacted the provision of Ramadan food boxes. Egypt now has one of the highest food inflation rates in the world, which has caused changes in the quality and quantity of food items included in the boxes over the years, while some items have been eliminated altogether.

Speaking to Mada Masr, individuals involved in the distribution of Ramadan boxes have reported a decline in donations and an increase in the number of those in need.

read more: https://www.madamasr.com/en/2024/04/03/feature/economy/generosity-knocked-out-of-the-box-how-economic-crisis-has-shrunk-ramadan-food-donations/