• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Nope. I am categorically against terrorism under any and all circumstances.

      You can condemn the actions of both Hamas and the Israeli government. In fact, it’s morally and ethically reprehensible not to.

        • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          In the future just say something along these lines so that people aren’t getting the mistaken impression you are pro-hamas

          No. It’s not reasonable to demand that every criticism of the genocide mentions Hamas. Just like you’d never agree to add “and the IDF are awful too” every time you condemn Hamas.

          No reasonable person automatically infers “I like Hamas” from any criticism of the genocidal actions of the Israeli government.

          Sadly, there are quite a few people on this site that description applies to

          Without a doubt fewer than you think/pretend to think.

          believe me

          Like with Trump, a Zionist saying that is usually indicative of a lie or, at best, a distortion of the truth is coming or directly preceded those words.

          do not want to get mixed up for being one of those guys

          Luckily, nobody arguing in good faith has ever made that mistake since I’ve never said anything positive about the terrorist group Hamas.

            • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              I’m not a Zionist.

              Good. Could you stop being a defeatist and counterfactual doomer, then?

              This is a big issue with people who have just joined the movement

              I’ve been Pro-Palestine since I first learned about the conflict in the mid-90s. Pro-BSD since I first heard about BSD a couple decades ago. I’d hardly call that “just joined”.

              accusing everybody we don’t like of being a Zionist hurts more Palestinian people than it helps.

              That part is true. Dismissing something that would be a complete game changer by claiming that it would make zero difference hurts the cause as well, though. Some would argue much more.

              Take the criticism and do better

              Right back at you, doomer.

              stop being a narcissist.

              Where the fuck did THAT come from??

              Vehemently disagreeing with your incorrect take does not equal anything even remotely approaching something that could be mistaken for narcissism in good faith.

              This is about liberating the people

              Could have fooled me with your doomer nonsense.

                • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  I’m going by this definition:


                  A person with a pessimistic outlook on life. [A doomer] feels a sense of helplessness and aimlessness

                  Your claim would qualify as such pathological pessimism.

                  Nobody except someone who’s either a Zionist defending the weapons shipments or extremely pessimistic would make such a wild claim in good faith.

                  leads me to believe you are just using the word to mean Zionist

                  Nope, see above.

                  why you and I are at odds despite the fact that we hold the same beliefs.

                  Perhaps because you keep ridiculously insisting that one of the important steps to stop what we both abhor wouldn’t matter? That would tend to put people with similar beliefs and/or goals at odds with each other.

                  it may fundamentally be an issue of behavior

                  True. I’m fast running out of reasons to believe a word of what you say, since you’re being so obtuse that it’s almost a given that it’s willful by now.