• Aielman15@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    While dropping in the last few days of comics, I realize we don’t have a Timeline tag for timeskip-era when Luz and Amity are adults but not part of an ongoing storyline. It looks like you’ve just been calling those Post Finale? That might need a little review

    You have a point. I suppose it would be best to use “Next generation” (or maybe change the name to “Adults/Next gen” so that it covers both), as they are theoretically the same time period.

    Contrast also calls our character listing into question now too. I’m find with listing everyone seen, even in cameos, but what if they’re completely unseen, with no dialogue, but explicitly confirmed to be in the area?

    I’d say no, because that opens a huge can of worms. I think it would get too difficult to take into account who might be in the general area, and in some cases, it would make for a messy tag system, mostly in established storylines where multiple pages happen in the same location/time frame, but characters drop in and out of view (such as aLHoB or Grom Factor). For example, the students fighting Kikimora in aLHoB change every other page (the Fear chars only appear in the beginning and the end of the fight, Jerbo only in the end, Boscha appears in the beginning and in the aftermath, etc…). If someone is trying to look for all the appearances of a certain character, it’s going to get real messy really soon if the tagging gets made on a “who is in the vicinity” policy.

    Tagging only characters that physically appear in the page will also be useful to run some stats on chars appearances after we’re done! I’d be really curious to see the results of a list of chars sorted by number of appearances.

    • WeirdAlex03
      10 months ago

      I suppose it would be best to use “Next generation” (or maybe change the name to “Adults/Next gen” so that it covers both), as they are theoretically the same time period.

      Yeah good point. We already have enough ambiguity for Human Realm stuff between before or after S3 (unless Hunter is seen), we don’t need to think about or draw a line between before or after Ayzee. The Storyline tag can cover that

      I’d say no, because that opens a huge can of worms.

      Agreed. We’ll just leave those to mentions in the Synopsis.

      Tagging only characters that physically appear in the page will also be useful to run some stats on chars appearances after we’re done! I’d be really curious to see the results of a list of chars sorted by number of appearances.

      Yeah that’ll be fun! I think the next step after filling out locations will be a general contributing guidelines/notes to explain stuff like Timeskip=>Adult/Next Gen and how we distinguish before/after S3 in the Human Realm (how do we do that? just assume one or the other unless its obvious?). That can then become the main source of data for Series/Timeline/Storyline options, and I can add extra stats there

      In other news, Chars and Locs and now listed on the main page, because we now have the start of location data! Same format for both. Haven’t bothered sorting locs yet as we figure out what we’ll need

      • Aielman15@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Timeskip=>Adult/Next Gen and how we distinguish before/after S3 in the Human Realm (how do we do that? just assume one or the other unless its obvious?). That

        Yeah, I’ve had this problem a bunch of times :/ I just try to infer as many info as possible from the page:

        • If the Hexsquad is in Luz’s house, it’s almost certainly set during S2-S3.
        • Certain characters make it obvious, such as Flapjack (pre-S3), Waffles and Bean (post-S3), Masha (post-S3).
        • If the characters don old outfits, it could mean that it’s set in that season (although it’s not always the case). For this purpose, Luz’s scar and King’s cracked skull/glued horn can also help identify the timeline.
        • If a page references multiple time periods (such as “He Tripped.” and “Phases”) I tag the most recent one.

        If it’s genuinely impossible to distinguish between pre and post-S3, I just default to post-finale. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than leaving the box blank, I guess. I thought about introducing a “non specified” timeline box, but I feared that it would become unwieldy and a bit confusing for some people.

        • WeirdAlex03
          9 months ago

          So as I’ve been working on adding additional sheets to explain tagging and add more details about Series/Timelines/Storylines. You can see the first of those now, and the others will be pretty similar. New Series/Timelines/Stroylines should be added to their respective sheets and then they will automatically be added as options to the dropdowns

          I also added a little extra conditional formatting to highlight missing data

          Discussion from today's comic

          I was originally planning to include the occasional non-comic in the sheet too, co-opting the Series label to add a “Non-comic” option. But the Rain piece from the other day kinda messes that up by being both non-comic and part of an official series. The other tags are obviously also applicable. Maybe a new column just as a “non-comic?” checkbox? Or should we just leave mentioning that to the Synopsis? I’m leaning towards the checkbox

          Also how should we tag alternate versions of the characters. Adding a Beta!Luz/Lucia column would be easy, but that’s a slippery slope leading to why not Witch!Luz and then Human! versions of everyone else for WAH, which is obviously way too much. And a simple dropdown to toggle variants wont work because of that one comic that I cant find where Luz and Lucia had to work together to stop a cross-dimensional demon

          WAH Witch!Luz is based on Beta!Luz, so maybe only add a set of Beta! options and we don’t consider if theyre witch or human? Obviously this is just for tagging and any more specifics can be added in Synopsis if needed

          Lastly there’s also the question of standardizing phrasing between i.e. Beta!Luz vs Lucia. Not all alternate versions of characters have names like Lucia (and those arent MM cannon anyway), so the “Variant!Name” format is the obvious choice. Hey I like when these questions are easy for once! lol

          • Aielman15@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            Hi there! Sorry if I haven’t worked on the project for some time, work got in the way and things got a bit hectic on my side of the screen.

            Maybe a new column just as a “non-comic?” checkbox? Or should we just leave mentioning that to the Synopsis? I’m leaning towards the checkbox

            I agree with the non-comic checkbox, it’s an elegant way to tackle the problem. Not sure about tagging Rain as non-comic, though. I would use non-comic exclusively for art pieces that are not related to any storyline, to avoid confusion or inconsistent tagging. What do you think?

            Also how should we tag alternate versions of the characters.

            Ok, this one’s tricky, and I’ve also been thinking about it for another reason: the further we get from the finale, the more non-canon characters/characters with a non-canonical personality make an appearance. This is going to get messy and there’s little we can do about it other than keeping tagging it the way we have done so far.

            For this reason, I think that having a different set of checkboxes for beta/alternate characters would just add extra bloat to an already pretty in-depth document, and the inconsistencies that you mentioned further exacerbate the problem. In my opinion, a combination of the character tag + the Series tag or the “alternate timeline” tag already cover this eventuality without the need to resort to a specific single tag. For example, if a person wants to look for all the WAH!Luz appearances, they will look for Luz+WAH or Luz+Alternate Timeline tags.

            Same for the alternate names: I think that canon name tag + series tag/alternate timeline tag already covers this eventuality without the need for a “Lucia” or a “WAH!Gus” tag. But If you think it’s needed, I’ll be happy to comply.

            • WeirdAlex03
              9 months ago

              Sorry if I haven’t worked on the project for some time, work got in the way and things got a bit hectic on my side of the screen.

              Oh no worries, I’d be lying if I said I made 17 days of progress between those messages, or even just 7, or really anything more than 2 days lol.

              I agree with the non-comic checkbox, it’s an elegant way to tackle the problem

              Done. I also added a checkbox for unofficial title since it’s hard to find official titles for pre-Reddit comics (if they were even named at all? the only other page i know with titles is his X Twitter Nitter page and I am not scrolling back 3 years to find out)

              Not sure about tagging Rain as non-comic, though. I would use non-comic exclusively for art pieces that are not related to any storyline, to avoid confusion or inconsistent tagging. What do you think?

              I’m still leaning yes. A separate checkbox means they aren’t mutually exclusive so we can have both WAH and non-comic

              the more non-canon characters/characters with a non-canonical personality make an appearance

              I think this one’s fairly simple: we’re archiving MoringMark comics, not The Owl House comics. The official canon is obviously a good start, but ultimately we’re tagging by his fanon lore

              I think that having a different set of checkboxes for beta/alternate characters would just add extra bloat to an already pretty in-depth document, and the inconsistencies that you mentioned further exacerbate the problem. In my opinion, a combination of the character tag + the Series tag or the “alternate timeline” tag already cover this eventuality without the need to resort to a specific single tag. For example, if a person wants to look for all the WAH!Luz appearances, they will look for Luz+WAH or Luz+Alternate Timeline tags.

              Same for the alternate names: I think that canon name tag + series tag/alternate timeline tag already covers this eventuality without the need for a “Lucia” or a “WAH!Gus” tag.

              That’s actually more-or-less the same thing I was trying to say. Sorry if that wasn’t clear originally

              I was only thinking of separate options for the Beta! designs, since they are common enough and not mutually exclusive with the original versions. Witch!Luz/WAH!Gus/etc yeah just look for (Beta!)Luz and the WAH series. No need for a new set of options for every possible combination when it’s already clearly implied by the rest of the tagging