Hi all! I recently had a personal renaissance regarding my gender, then I found this community. So, let me introduce myself:

I’m nonbinary demigender. My pronouns are whatever makes the most sense to you at the time. I identify as a man as far as being a dad (with an amazing daughter), but otherwise feel no connection to any gender, and I’m most comfortable balancing my masculinity and femininity. I like to be bearded and beautiful.

To me, my beard and bald head are enough to exemplify my masculinity, so I’m really focusing on expanding my wardrobe to fully incorporate feminine attire. I especially love skirts and dresses.

But it’s so. Damn. EXPENSIVE!

I can fit into a few things that my amazing, supportive partner lets me borrow, but I can’t just be the younger sister, forever relying on hand-me-downs.

Does anybody have advice for how to get a good start on my wardrobe that won’t break the bank? I’m average AMAB size, but with a barrel chest and a slim waist. Women’s L & XL usually fit me.

Edit: Looking back, this request for advice was a flimsy premise for an introduction post. I mostly just wanted to join this community, and I didn’t want to do so silently.

  • BumpingFugliesOP
    2 years ago

    Yeah, thrift stores definitely seem like my best bet.

    But they all close so early! I work 9-6, and every one near me is closed by 7. Guess I oughta put in a time off request and make a day of it.

    Thank you for the advice! 🫶