• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Does it matter? If you could quantify your lost potential, would such knowledge benefit you in any way? I understand the drive to understand your major life mistakes as deeply as possible, but you’ve already made great strides to learn from and correct said mistakes. You seem to be on a pretty strong upward trajectory, but if you obsess over what’s lost, it just might drag you back down.

  • BumpingFugliestoOut of the loop@lemmy.worldCan someone explain PewDiePie
    19 days ago

    You’re missing the point. It’s likely that he never held those views to begin with. He was just a kid doing and saying what he could to get reactions from people. Clearly it worked, 'cause we’re still talking about it.

    A tangent, if I may: it’s important that entertainers be allowed to joke about things society deems offensive. It allows us to process such ostensibly offensive content in safe environments, to shine a light on the absurdity of such negative ideas. We laugh at nazi jokes not because we agree with naziism, but because they’re so wildly divorced from reality and our own views as to be absurd to even consider.

  • There’s a distressing trend of people (self-identifying “progressives”, for the most part) abandoning family because of ideological differences, so most here will probably tell you to cut contact.

    I don’t know you or your father, but as a dad myself, I can tell you that if he has the slightest decency as a parent, he’ll be willing to listen if you come from a place of love and respect. Tell him how you’re personally affected by his actions. Appeal to his paternal instinct. At best, you could convince him to rethink his ideology. If that fails, you can hopefully get him to agree to avoid discussing politics with you.

    It’s especially important now, with a nationwide financial collapse looming, for family to stick together.

  • You’d think that, but really, I suspect a lot of the confusion comes from the word itself. “Intersex” implies with its “inter-” prefix that something exists between the two sexes, thus implying the existence of a third (or more) sex.

    But again, it’s just a blanket term that covers a wide variety of medical conditions related to development of sex organs/characteristics.

    And I shouldn’t have to say this, but of course I’m not saying that one’s anatomy has any influence on one’s worth as a person. I’m not a monster. I’m just a stickler for semantic accuracy.