The muse, DDR champion, buff management frame - Octavia!

Release date: 2017-03-24

Passive: When casting an ability, Octavia grants herself and allies within 15 meters the Inspiration buff, generating 1 energy per second for 30 seconds.
Mallet - Rhythmically beats damage into nearby enemies and draws their fire. Damage inflicted on the Mallet increases its lethality.
Resonator - Launches a rollerball that charms foes to follow it. Combines with the Mallet to create a roving ball of sonic destruction.
Metronome - Grants buffs to those who consistently perform actions in time to Octavia’s music. Timed jumps offer the Vivace speed buff. Crouching on the beat grants cloaking with the Nocturne buff. Firing rhythmically bestows Opera multishot buff. Timed melee swings give the Forte damage buff.
Amp - Draws power from the decibel level of sound in the area and uses it to amplify a damage buff for Octavia and her allies. It also doubles the damage and range of nearby Mallets.

Acquisition: Main blueprint and the Mandachord are acquired from the Octavia’s Anthem quest. The Chassis blueprint is rewarded from the Music Puzzle on Lua. The Neuroptics blueprint is rewarded from Rotation C of Terrorem (Survival), Deimos. The Systems blueprint can be found in the A Rotation Cache of Plato (Crossfire Exterminate), Lua.

  • KeegenOP
    1129 days ago

    This frame’s playstyle and me never got along. Octavia is one of the rare “get to 30 and shelve forever” frames, doesn’t matter how broken her kit is, her optimal gameplay is absolutely abysmal. Staring at buff numbers and then refreshing them/spamming crouch when they expire while watching enemies kill themselves is not why I play Warframe. She’s also one of the few frames with a feature so annoying it gets its own option in the settings menu to silence it.

  • @[email protected]
    629 days ago

    Octavia is very strong, insanely strong. But also so very annoying (and sometimes boring) to play. Throw down the mallet and amp, press 3, spam crouch, throw something onto 2nd monitor and just spam crouch and refresh the abilities every now and then.

    Though I have to thank her for being able to carry me through an otherwise awful EDA rotation.

  • @[email protected]
    429 days ago

    Octavia upsets me. Her mandachord instruments cost way too much plat and don’t have enough notes.

    she’s really strong though.

    • @[email protected]
      229 days ago

      I want to buy up some of the instruments for more variety in song options, but I just can’t justify spending that much plat.

  • @[email protected]
    329 days ago

    Great frame but damn if she hasn’t consistently thrown all balance out the window since her introduction, even when DE are introducing anti-nuke mechanics and bosses with giant nullifier shields those mechanics somehow often manage to completely fail to apply to octavia herself.

  • @[email protected]
    328 days ago

    Love Octavia, mostly because I can run through missions Rick-Rolling people. Not always the most engaging gameplay mechanics wise, but definitely fun.

  • @[email protected]
    229 days ago

    The pillow princess frame. Not my style, I’d rather actually play the game, but I can see the appeal.

    • @[email protected]
      129 days ago

      Metronome involves doing things to the beat of the song you’re using on your mandachord. Everything is doing things to the beat. There’s a flower pattern you can use for your mandachord that makes it incredibly easy to just spam crouch to stealth.

      • @[email protected]
        129 days ago

        Yes I know I have to do things to the beat, I just don’t know how. It seems impossible.

        • @[email protected]
          329 days ago

          Just spam crouch and you’ll stealth. The other ones are just nice bonuses if they show up, but stealth is the important one.

  • Dystopia
    228 days ago

    Probably one of the harder warframes to farm because a blueprint is on a Rotation C mission. If you see her as a reward for the Duviri Circuit it can save you a lot of bad RNG trying to get her Neuroptics from a Survival mission.

    Her abilities make most difficult missions doable even while solo, and my favourite use for her is to use Mallet to quickly spawn a Sister of Parvos. Her kit is pretty versatile giving mild CC, damage, invisibility, and even energy regeneration which can also be granted from Octavia Specters.